
*takes a drag of cigarette, exhales*

No matter what the NCAA says I’ll never believe anything from Notre Dame’s 2012 season didn’t exist.

Despite seeing these a million times, they never get old. Hey kids, stop all the downloadin’!

Now playing

Sorry, but it’s not a legitimate “Best Of” if it doesn’t include this gem:

Gotta show love for “I hacksawed your mom’s ass last night!” and “Are you Buzz Lightyear? (I love your movies)“

For my money it’s the bits from 6:40 to 8:16 that really shine.

Now playing

Might as well do all of them. Personal favorite is at 3:05.

Pierogi are God’s perfect food.

Each developmental milestone makes it easier. When he can roll over on his own, you’ll feel better. When he can sit up on his own, you’ll feel better. When he can pull himself up to standing, you’ll feel better.

I say stick it out until the limited prospects seem more imminent. You might acquire important skills/contacts between now and then that will allow you to transition to something less doomed but still not awful.

Patrick: now is the perfect time to unleash that “Actually, Dan Snyder is Very Good” take you’ve been sitting on for years.

I hadn’t realized this, but apparently No Man’s Sky fans are... uh... a passionate bunch. For the past two days their subreddit has been going absolutely insane, speculating constantly and spewing all sorts of bile toward me/Kotaku for various reasons as they continued digging up reasons to say I was wrong about the


I’m sorry I made you angry. I agree he was a great ballplayer.

Fantastic art selection for this story. Well done.