Catch any good Gen II Pokemon?
Something good for 1-2 hours at a clip.
I’m looking to pick up a good time waster on PS4, suggestions?
Goatees, always goatees
Do you know where the statue is? Asking for a friend.
What is celebration if not a rhythmic slapping noise
Someone in my office says, “Stop all the download’n,” at least once a week.
Once the ballon goes up, and the missiles are in the air, who gets eaten first?
What the hell is Heat Street?
New dad here. At what point will I be satisfied that he is in fact breathing and I can stop constantly checking?
There’s no head gear anymore
Aw man, don’t blame the locals for this. Those are the NBC must runs, straight from the Peacock Politburo. I think it was 3 must runs tonight, so not much room for unique content.
I have a career that I love doing, but has terrible long term prospects. Do I sell my soul now or see it out to the bitter end?
I'm more confused about the UH-1 with US Army markings on the nose and MARINES down the tail boom.
Any 409ers out there have a good recipe for Kool Aid?