Just here so I don't get fined

106. Getting Hit By a Bus

So you have to throw at a batter after one of your guys gets hit, but hacking is bad....baseball’s unwritten rules are getting out of hand.

This, forever and always.

Most revealing part of this: Pat Croce needed his wife to turn off the TV because he couldn’t figure it out LOLZ NOOB!

Great write, Barry. Love it, fun series and overall fun playoffs (sans Hawks-Wild). Hoping this gets hockey back to the heights it once had popularity wise.

Sally Draper? Sally is the venereal disease of characters! You just gave this list the Clap, way to go Drew!

I’m mad I laughed that hard at this. Great work

In a similar fashion, the Phillies announced they too will play in an empty stadium tomorrow.

“I am from STL and this is absurd. We have been getting our tickets stamped and leaving the stadium to piss across the street. That’s takes 5 minutes compared to waiting 45 minutes for the bathroom.”

Belichick in flip flops??? Oh no....nononononono

Okay now, can we let the Riley Cooper thing go? People say dumb, asinine things all the time at Kenny Chesney concerts including (and not limited to):

"Sportscenter...a poor man's TSN"- Joffrey Lupul

Fresh out of Dez video's....got the lost reels from Casablanca though. That's a thing, right?

Puppy Bowl.....boom.

Who hurt him?

False, Mace Windu cannot be black or white....he can only be Samuel MF Jackson.

Any news who the Phils got for Rollins?

Most hated athletes: How did Lance Armstrong and Aaron Hernandez not make the list!

Douchiest College: PENN STATE....that one is definately top 5. They even call themselves a cult! What's douchier than a cult member telling you they're a member of a cult? Ol' Chuck Manson used to slit throats for less than that!

Staff- IF you were in Justin Brent's situation, which porn star would you bang? Limit 1 per customer.