Just here so I don't get fined

This gets filed under: Things in Australia That Will Kill Me- Non Snakes/Spiders/Reptiles/Sharks List

Thank you! This made my morning

My friends occasionally like to text “Look at Me” in our group chat, because they know it freaks me out still.

First off, to 100% echo everything said thus far: I look forward to these stories yearly! It’s one of my favorite things about Halloween.

I decided to share one of the interactions I’ve had in my life that happened last year around like the middle of September or October (Fall 2016, for safety sake and ease of story

Now playing

Mr. Lee’s work in Ring of Honor with Shane Taylor has been truly inspired too. Their feud with War Machine was one of the best Tag feud’s I’ve seen in a long long time (been a fan since the early 90s, just in case resume is needed). GREAT write up David. I’m about to start my 3rd read through.

You’re the man, you always will be the man, NEVER STOP SPEAKING FROM YOUR HEART AND BEING THE MAN!!!! Appreciate your words, your humor, and your insight. Full support and always behind ya here Drew....except for Clownfister....that was a rare miss.

I’d totally watch this, just saying....cast Chris Walken as the voice of the car....Pure. Gold.

For what it’s worth, I’m just here waiting for Drew Magary to fire up Clownfister again. What are teh sportz?

Man, you should intro Spencedog and Rocket....I think they’d get along just swimmingly at the next Trump Rally.

Can you PLEASE post a daily reminder that the Cardinals didn’t make it to the post season?

We also (and we, because it was a guy in a Cunningham jersey) killed HitchBOT. The hitchhiking Robot that made it almost around the world.

Also, Fuck Freddie Mitchell with Danny Watkins fireman’s hat.



“Fighting Hawks??? How dare they!! Where’s my lawyers number?” -Tony Hawk

Susan needs to understand that the Why Your Team Sucks is a helluva lot better than Clownfister.

Also, there are soooo many grammatical errors in this from someone who touted higher intelligence. It’s like when the Texans touted David Carr as quality draft pick...or Travis Johnson as a human.

So I will break it down in a top ten as I normally do on areas I would like to assert my opinion and clearly superior writing and intelligence skills as compared to this Dave Magary who I hope is make believe as I would push him over in his chair immediately to assert my dominance and supremacy like a lion does in the

“Wish he would have kicked him” -Rex Ryan

Two former Vikings squared off in the main event of Wrestlemania 31 and they both lost.

And there are STILL no tight ends.