
1. Fair point.

This is dishonest. At no point in this electoral season, including the debates, has anyone had the freedom to criticize Hillary without being labled sexist and even racist. (As a black woman, I’ve been called both). This was particularly true of criticisms from the left. To disagree with her was to hate women, and to

No, I don’t think people should attack her relentlessly, but I do think there is room to discuss both her faults and her plusses. If having an honest discussion about the pros & cons of a candidate costs them the election then the problem is the candidate, not the discussion.

just criticizing for the sake of bitching

Now playing

I’m so tired of this lie. 1/3rd of the congressional black caucus and Senator Bernie Sanders were opposed to the “tough on crime” provision of the Crime Bill. That it hurt black communities was not a complete revelation 20 years later. Savy people who resisted the powerful political influence of the Clinton’s knew

Apparently you can’t offer the very faintest criticism without being told to pipe down while also having ridiculous words put in your mouth.

I’m one of the millions who will vote for Hillary to prevent a Trump Presidency, but if being on the “freaking wagon” means not pointing out her faults than I am happily not on your sycophantic wagon.

I do think that silencing criticism about her will just make people more hostile and i do not want them to decide that they will not vote for her. i think everyone should vote for her, but there really is a problem with some over the top Hillary supporters who do want to shut down any constructive criticism*. It is

She’s not worse than Donald Trump. No One is saying that. Let me repeat No One is Saying that. But don’t think it hasn’t been noticed, particularly by young black women, that when we bring up her record and her actions, and try to hold her accountable, like taking money from the geo group and the CCA, her racism in

Not once in their comment did state that she was worse than Trump. Trump was not even mentioned, disagreeing with Hillary does not mean that you are supporting Trump or think that she would be worse than him.

You may be projecting. These dogs have said nothing against staying at home, simply that Lucy felt it might be easier than her current position, which may be the case for her. She doesn’t say anything derogatory (dogatory?) about staying at home.

Agreed. I like flawed characters because reality has flawed people. My favorite shows tend to have this -- in fact I just finished Breaking Bad (finally). I sometimes get frustrated, angry at the characters, but I love that it’s making me feel that. It speaks to how well they’re written, that they’re not real people

I don’t really get this. The kids are selfish and spoiled and damaged. Part of their “damage” is the behavior of their at-the-time father who was struggling with his own issues and neglectful of the kids. Josh was continually raped by their babysitter when he was 13 and his family didn’t stop it. And now he’s a

This person sounds more concerned with what men lose by her being murdered and taken out of the hook up/dating/marriage pool.

And yet, here in this comment is a nugget of the basic problem.

This is such a bizarre hill for Flamingofun to die on. Literally almost every woman I know has dieted on and off for their whole life. I actually just had a conversation about this the other day- how I don’t have any female friends in my life who haven’t had disordered eating at least one point in their adult life.

In Parks and Rec? I remember one where they all got drunk, but that was the entire joke of the episode. I don’t remember a lot of binge drinking happening there. In 30 Rock for sure, but they made a ton of jokes about how Tracy, Jenna, and Jack are ‘high-functioning alcoholics.’ I never thought of that as

Societies are built on the idea that people have the capacity to resist their baser urges for the most part. Abstinence only education doesn’t work because there are people out there who won’t be able to manage abstaining but that doesn’t mean that everybody is just fucking each other whenever and where ever they can

Wow, my experience could not be more different from yours. Every single woman I’m close with, from thin to fat, in different parts of the world, from all walks of life, has dieted. There was a period of time where I had to ask my friends to stop talking about Weight Watchers because I just couldn’t deal with them

Yeah, there are obviously people who actually eat like that and stay skinny, nobody’s saying there aren’t. But the VAST majority of people who eat like that are going to be overweight. But look! Somehow 100% of the characters on TV who eat like that are super thin! What an odd coincidence that has nothing to do with