
I have officially excised khakis and blue polo dress shirts from my closet.
I apologize everyone, I had no idea what I was imposing on you.

Wonder Woman approves

He looks like Channing Tatum got stung by bees.

He was 'young Shawn' throughout Psych.

But dih'n nobody got they herr did like Gina.

And you know that I know that you know that I know.
So when I bend over.

Rolling in that phat taint model money!!

To be fair, for a great deal of the masses, Renner and Olsen are the two in tights who are quiet and moody in the periphery and don't have the coolest superpowers in Marvel. They're not hating Olsen and Renner, but Red Witch and Hawkeye.

Hey! Tone-EH! /Jerry sashaying with collar up

By all means feel free to take the concept of prediction out of the mix, then.
The point was more about works of this nature more reflecting long-running characteristics than suddenly becoming relevant whenever any particular observer happens to notice the parallels.

Yeah, Burn After Reading 'predicted' the unique problems of the Trump era, . . much the way umpteen-odd seasons of COPS 'predicted' the problems between race and law enforcement in the Obama administration. . . . I love the human instinct to correlate the moment of their own awareness of reality with the genesis of


The veritable stench of Whiffenpoof


Like ROTISSERIE isn't? . . .


I'm struggling to reconcile the authenticity of expressed bemusement from anyone who wonders how we ended up with an ascendant Trump, yet applauds a rise in popularity for something like Morning Joe.

I think PigVomit learned this lesson with Howard Stern decades ago.

The problem this show seemed to share with Studio 60, outside the deification of comedy as a pinnacle of human endeavor, is 'letting them see the strings'
We know when consuming fiction that the experience is as much about what the author wants to tell you as it is the verisimilitude of the experience itself.
But when

Has she always looked so much like Ron Reagan Jr?