
Sam Simon? Reminds me, has anyone checked out by the pool to make sure Ralph Cirella is still alive?

Apparently, it's your choice to click or beat feet.

Why are we returning to a paradigm of generic corporate culture?
My entire point was google actively strives to set itself apart as open to this kind of dialog.

Are you suggesting that there are inviolable orthodoxies that, due to emotional response by the masses, cannot be explored regardless of merit or fact?
I mean, it's far too premature to suggest they were equal in objective basis, but strictly in terms of the form and foundation aren't these the same arguments against

I tried hard to make clear, I wasn't talking about 'any company' and I also wasn't talking about airing coworker grievances.
I am asking if it makes a difference from normal corporate culture that they have culture of soliciting and disseminating for further analysis and input 'open and honest discussion that

Does Google's espoused culture of soliciting brainstorming input change the calculus at all from one you would apply to a typical corporate environment?

Confounding the conversation, some of those participating are not honest brokers. Many are participating in a forthright effort to better understand the issues. But some are participating on behalf of ancillary industries and interests. Rather than seeking consensus on best knowledge, they seek derailment in the

What jury? No matter connected with Sandra Bland has been before a jury.

Refractory diffraction.

Seems simple. If enough people stop clicking.
It's difficult enough to develop a sustainable model for profitable entertainment analysis content. Look at all the graveyard of previous endeavors [TelevisionWithoutPity]. Look at the cutbacks in coverage here in the past year or so.
You throw in a bunch of

So long as you understand that this is the same thinking that keeps Trump acting the way he does.
It's productive
It's gotten me this far
It hasn't blown up in my face yet.
At least Trump has a four year 'contract' on his side. In entertainment, not even tomorrow is guaranteed.

Have you seen their new corporate 'cousins 'lately?

What's the 401(k)?

Fragile baby Barsanti requires a job that allows daily Trumpertantrums.

Oscar was surprisingly decent.
Rhinestone was a musical
Rhinestone was objectively awful
Paul is confused

Seeing the title, I was certain he'd gotten a snoot full of Harriot.

One has to wonder, regardless of the merits of Pratt's reputation as a carnivore, neanderthal, Jebus-praisin' Trumpite, how much it wore on Faris to have him in a spouse in an environment like the 'Mom' set. From Lorre, down through the cast list, I can imagine tons of side-eye endured.

Traeger - You, literally, shattered your marriage.
Andy - That's not something that props can fix . . . that's gonna be a lot harder to fix.

Do you understand the space-time continuum?

David Hyde Pierce steals the season with brevity and subtlety.