
"What is so hard about "racism is wrong"

It's as tough a call as you'll find in 'quality' cable.
I watched the entire first season, and it was the most uneven [in almost every way imaginable] experience in recent memory.
Taking the long view, I think it was necessary to set up the sprawling mythology of the series. But it jumbled together long stretches of

Are there catharsis addiction support groups yet?

As flawed as Mickey and Gus are, as I work my way through these reviews, they seem more sane than the viewers.

If you're a glutton for punishment, you could always check out the final season of Franklin and Bash.

I don't know if I have here specifically, but it was the first thing that came to mind when the plan unfolded and I've mentioned it often.

I think he's a much worse person at work than as a potential mate. The most depressing part is that I want to think of his work ego is heightened for dramatic effect, but I sense that Apatow's hand is heavy in exorcising those demons.
Maybe if we had some sense that Gus was talented enough to helm a couple multi $100M

Yeah, I was trying to adapt the reference to MNCyGuy's initial comment about he being a rich douche.

"also the ability to process carbon in their lungs"

Huh, watched every episode of Big Love back when it aired, and still think of God Only Knows as the first song on the flip side of Pet Sounds. MoF had forgotten that particular BL connection until I saw your post this morning.

Walker told me he got AIDS.

Aged the exact same amount as Ryan, or you or me for that matter. ;)

Taste the meat, not the heat.

Trader Joes has probably sold more mochi to middle-aged white chicks in minivans than anyone else in the nation in the past 4-5 years.

You're not one of those who asks for cilantro taken out of your rice?

It just gob-smacks me that anyone took it seriously. It looks so amateurish.
It's like deciding is men or women were better at basketball by having Obama play Ann Coulter in a game of HORSE.

Thanks Marty

Ma'am [sorry, that's Veep]

This was before my time, but was it ever taken seriously? The way it's written about at times, it seems like it was, or at least the the participants had a modicum of pedigree and talent. But watching the actual match, I can't convince myself it was ever actually anything more substantive than a 'basketball

I never took it as ambiguous, but shockingly this video is the first time I ever noticed Selina Kyle. I mean, I registered a person there, but registered the scene strictly as a moment between Bruce and Alfred. Might as well have been a passing waiter. Or maybe that's a comment on Hathaway's screen presence [at