
Maron's wardrobes are giving me PTSD. Man, I have some horrible pullovers somewhere in the back of my closets.

The only thing that ever normalized Trump was beating his competition. He loses in the primaries or in November, and he's the same punchline he's always been, no matter who tousles his hair.
By the time it was him and Hillary, the die was cast. Anyone not already firmly in her party and by extension in her corner was

She's standing right there Michael!!

I don't even particularly like Spade. He's all right, and occasionally humorous.
Doesn't mean that, as a hetero, I am oblivious to his sustained prowess in wooing quality females.
Don't know why even that would engender any level of loyalty in me. If anything it engenders bemusement and envy,

It's pretty simple. If a joke is intended as disrespect, the implication is disrespectful.
However Colbert phrased the suggestion that Trump provided Putin oral gratification, he did not intend it to reflect well upon him.

Eh, I may have misheard. If so, it was a missed opportunity. Unless they wanted to preserve a character bit of Kim less icy than Jimmy, because it definitely read like no one except the arbitrator wanting much to do with Chuck, and expressing it pointedly.

I thought the salutations were sufficient

I think that it would have fallen into the 'cruel twist of fate' category.

I think he meant that the shoes almost fell on top of the El Pollo Loco truck years later, and presumably there would still be enough residue in the shoe to trigger a hit from the dogs.

Not in particular. She was his GF/booty call when he was in the dorms in college. Mostly Seasons 4 and 5. There was one episode where Lip met her parents where she was a major plot point for the episode, but I have no idea which one, except it was probably midway through season 4.

4 inches is FINE!!

You talkin' 'tang?

Nichole as Cheyenne is a case study in playing dumb being hard work. I forget for large swathes of time what a smoke show she played as Lip's eff-buddy on Shameless. It almost seems impossible both characters are played by the same person.

This week's gem, "Climate Change caused Syria. Sure Assad's bad for poisoning his citizens with Sarin, but we're doing the exact same thing to them with CO2.'

Olbermann has moved beyond irritating because he's so self-serious at this point that I can't watch without guiltily thinking I'm watching the prelude to a suicide note.
Watching him on his GQ 'resistance' channel is like how I imagine it would be if Lenny Bruce had lived out his years preaching to the pigeons in the

QuickTtrip offers fried onions on the hot dog fixins bar.

Hateful 8 is the only Tarantino film I legitimately don't like on the whole. And I think I have figured out why.
I like how Tarantino weaves together plot, dialog and visuals, and Hateful 8 was the first full-on attempt to do all three completely through dialog. It might even have worked as a stage play. But as a

As cheesy in retrospect, and unrealistic, the scene in the lonely grave of Paula Schultz, with the soaring score courtesy of Morricone's L'Arena, gets me every time.

The Americans may be the best of the lot, and the one you missed.
