
Apparently it's come time to ask, . . can EVERYONE stop with all the hair touching?
Never occurred to me to touch a stranger's hair, nor have I seen it play out in real life. But apparently in the right circles it's one the nation's most urgent and rampant epidemics.

I've often wondered why Eddie Murphy didn't get more credit for his early 90s work, where he wrote comedies about prosperous, witty, capable people, and 'just happened' to assemble an all black cast.
Coming to America hinted at it, then there was Boomerang and The Distinguished Gentleman.
Harlem Nights was a mob movie,

Worth it to hear Jolie call Close a fairy and a company man

Too often in the real world, the difference between villainy and redemption is the efforts of those close to you.
Jimmy may have destructive impulses, but Chuck's inability to see anything beyond them is driving this dynamic. Just as your inability to see any of Jimmy's redeeming qualities drives your conclusions.

Came here to say almost exactly this. So almost that I simply reply in agreement.

So dope!! Get back at Hollywood by casting that chick that paints Water Lilies and shit!!

That argument was some of the best writing in the history of the show. It was literally dizzying/intoxicating to watch mama lay into her with love and truth at the same time.

The Leftovers was awesome, delicious, nourishing, etc. The Good Fight was available first and was a season finale though. So I watched it first.
Like I said, it was 99% a strong, well-paced episode, but the weak legal conundrums are really weighing the property down.

It was done almost exactly the same [except to fruition] in House of Sand and Fog, so was inured this time around. Pretty much on autopilot from when he grabbed the bag and the duct tape.

He's radioactive. He can read his newspaper on the toilet off the glow from his shit.

The CSPAN camera cutting him off mid-forehead

Is it good or bad that I watched Richard all episode and didn't think of The Detroiters once?

They just had to end the season on the worst, most egregious, stretch of legal culpability in the history of the series or its predecessor.

I've come to the reluctant conclusion that I could watch Keenan play just about any game show host as much as any recurring character in the history of the show. Even when the actual premise just lies there, he's great. And when the premise great [black jeopardy], he's awesome.
Heck, even What's Up With That is

Mike White had always struck me as a smarter writer than we saw in this trailer.

Yeah, but that was recognition of a benefit of capitalism. Elizabeth's statement was more a rejection of the egalitarian spirit of communism.
'having assets to provide for your family is advisable' is not nearly as much a break with Russia as 'we aren't doing anything for each other economically, so better not to

Are you saying ANOTHER foreign interest attempting to interfere in our electoral process?

Was it just me, or was Elizabeth's 'we weren't buying anything. . . not being nice was doing her a favor' the most capitalistic phrase ever uttered on the show?

Can't go wrong with an ostrich and a penguin.

More recognizable than Richa . . . Rory Scovell.