
That subtle skritch of colliding banana hammocks was haunting.

"Nobody’s interested in hearing about how a 10-year-old episode of Good Eats is my show of the year."

I too sleep with the fan on, even when it's chilly

Anything to get MIB off twitter.

The truth is whatever you want it to be!!

"Disagree though about Better Call Saul."

I think I enjoyed that more than the site's rundown.

Yeah, that's right, . . . its a funny name.

Oh ferfucksakes. . .

Hallelujah, . . . and Holy Shit!!

I have no way of knowing if you are or aren't aware of it, but he's even funnier [in a darker comedy] in a little seen HBO show 'Getting On.'

One thing about Bull, it subtly reinforced for me how much I enjoy Freddy Rodriguez on the small screen. He's not even given a lot to do, but he reliably grabs focus. He has some sort of perpetual underlying nervous energy that gives his presence weight without chewing scenery.

Nothing beats convection. For most it means the Convection-Aire [as hawked by Mr. T]. Basically a glass bowl with a heat lamp and a fan to move the air around.

Todd /Mel sold the heck out of singing 'Sweet . . MELISS-AAAAH!'

In light of this, HOW is Alia ShaveCat not a thing?

I can't even hear this guy's name without thinking of this

I don't know, after the last few weeks of the Planet Earth series sequel, we could all use a good ostrich documentary.

You 'pose tah be up makin brehfas!!

El Schneiderino, if you're not into that whole brevity thing.

Shark Sandwich.