
Start - Pan on high with Tblsp 1 butter
Before heat - 2-3 eggs a helping [depending on egg grade], dollop of sour cream, 3 grinder twists each of garlic salt and black pepper.
When butter starts to brown/foam, turn off
Wait a tick
Pour contents it
Use the tilted pan method of circulating. Tilt the pan, make a pool of egg

The VAClub: Kind of the First, Like, So Bad It's Good Situation.

I was ready to dismiss this particular bit is overly desperate, then Lupita/NBC announced 'we just discovered Chicago 4 years ago, and we're very into it.'

These fries? This apple pie?

Guess she learned a move or two at all her friend's weddings.

Really?? REALLY??

The woman made BLUES TRAVELER sexy fercripesakes!!

I was just 'OK' with it, until they started with the forced laugh calls {ha, ha, ha]. Had to stop my DVR to stop laughing.


"But the world does see her as black. Which is why I have seen approximately zero people refer to Obama as our 43rd white President."

Kulap hears you, brotha!!

So skilled in rapped music.

I used the phrase 'in itself' purposefully. My point wasn't a flaw in her message, it was that she did not campaign on it sufficient for it to resonate. The merits of their positions aside, Trump campaigned openly and Clinton campaigned on 'I'm not him, go find out who I am.'

'My opponent is unqualified, go read my website' is not, in itself, a campaign, no matter how little your stamina.

It has some utility. What's demoralizing is the simplistic shorthand that punching up is always hilarious and punch down is always oppressive and therefore unfunny.
Related to the latter is the stifling insistence that if anyone expresses an iota of pain, a thing should not be said. Outside of puns, humor is pain.

Sorry Joe Buck

Someone should punch him in the FACE!!

Dressing with dollop of cranberry sauce on top, under the gravy.
Green Bean Casserole with plenty of fresh mushrooms, and curly fried onions on top.
Cheesy corn casserole, the firm kind like corn cake or moist cornbread.

I get how easy it is to sitcom-ize, but I hate how so many comedies turn deep fried turkey into a catastrophe. They always put a frozen turkey into a full tub of oil in rolling boil.
If you follow procedure [I suggest Alton Brown's primer], it's completely safe and a near perfect way to prepare the bird.
The only

That UHF syndication channel with all the reruns and B movies.