
It's not that I'm 'not bothering to' debunk. It's that I was seeking to make my point about the new tone of the website without engaging in every minuscule partisan debate to be made.

Feel better?

Yes, we should start explicitly judging everyone everywhere. Say goodbye to the entire concept of a restaurant and everyone just prepare their own food in isolation.

I know and am perfectly comfortable with AVC's liberal viewpoint. This is another, more hateful and spiteful animal.
Maybe they are looking to fill the Gawker void, or maybe they're envious of Rawstory's traffic.
And maybe, since you say you've known the staff since they were kids, you are mixing up the conversations

The fuck? Why would I lie about reading a free internet board?
You really are some horrible, horrible people.

That's when my prior PC went tits up with my logon info, chode.

Leaving aside whether either was honorable or excusable or whatever 'able' you wish.
Obama was heckled for stating something false before a national audience as he said it.
Pence was heckled for sitting down in a theater.

Compelling argument.

Maybe he should have stuck with Terry, . . . Terry the wrestler.

And again, I'm not talking about sanctified standards of journalism.
I have no idea how long you've been reading here, but if it's been long at all and you're objective, you have to admit it's a sharp turn in tone. Not to mention riddled with lies. I'm not even bothering to debunk it. It's not that big a concern.

Who booed who here?

Are you factoring the sarcasm and extreme exhaustion with the emotionalism of others?

Maybe if you're not ready for war, YOU'RE not the friend of gays and minorities YOU should be either!!

I'm not talking about the relevance of the story. I'm talking about the tone of the reportage.

With the caveat, . . . until recently.

Jesus what a load of bullshit. Is this AVClub or Rawstory?

Kraft Dinner with hot dog slices.
The key is ghost pepper salt. When the M&C is seasoned right salt-wise, it's also HOT as hell. Make your hair sweat.

I dream of a day when every human interaction is Trump-centric!!

He cited Wright [who was rebuked] and Van Jones [who he placed in his cabinet] as evidence of something, and his premise was that Trump's association with Bannon was evidence of something malign. So, under the case he presents, either these ties don't mean anything, or they do.

So we're clear, you're the same poster who was bitching above about people criticizing Obama's connections with Wright and Jones, correct?
No, you won't get to vote him out for a while, but your response to him with your fellow citizens will affect his standing as the leader of the nation, at least as much as the