
All I would ask is that you objectively assess the actual overlap.
Alt-right is wild west ill-defined movement in its infancy. At it's base it's a contrarian movement to assert conservative principles unshackled from establishment attachment to power and money. In that sense, it's not much difference from discussions

So long as you're clear that, even by your admission, you're judging Trump by your opinion of groups, 'tied' to groups, 'tied' to groups, 'tied' to Bannon, tied to Trump.
All of those ties outside Trump's to Bannon are circumspect ties of people seeking to further their own agenda, and agenda you'll find nowhere in

Richard Spencer is not Bannon. Spencer is sensing a window to further his own agenda, much like Tavis Smiley and Cornel West [who I am not accusing of racism] did early in Obama's administration. They share the quality of being ideologues with their own distinct agendas.
Jeremiah Wright was quickly rebuked, and to

I don't understand, are you admitting now that Obama's associations DID establish him as a racist?

And that is only correct if you surrender to the assumption that every criticism is merely opposition distortion. Trump was not my first, second, third or even fourth choice for President, but he did enough in the campaign to give me hope that he will break a lot of long running cancers running through our republic.

One thing you never see, . . anywhere, is a coupling of a criticism of Trump and a positive case for Hillary.
All over the place are criticisms of Trump that do not even countenance his opposition. But the election was not, 'Trump as president, or no one.'
There were pockets of Hillary support, but even then it was

Shame to see principals so easily abandoned. Hope time and perspective restore them.

The key phrase is 'if reported accurately.' This is a multifaceted story with not a lot of reliable detail established at present. The most evenhanded assemblage of information I've found thus far is from a military blog

So, Comedy Bang! Bang! died so this marriage could live?

Gagliardi looks like Paul F. Tompkins shaved his mustache.

Lawd, thank the LAWD Comedy Central green-lit this express and explicit rebuke of Donald Trump's America!!

Skype sound always makes me think of Web Therapy.

Finally, an article on AVClub that assesses entertainment in the stark light of our recent national tragedy.
Took you guys long enough.
Here's hoping that this is just the infancy of a sturdy, durable, Trump-centric pop culture conversation.

I've watched too much Always Sunny. I can't look at 'William' without expecting him to saunter around in a ratty bath robe, scratch his stomach lazily, and drink a large glass of warm milk.

Jesus effing Christ.

I watched and enjoyed every single episode, but I have to wonder if the decision might have been founded partially on an inability to come up with another full season worth of ideas.
Personally, I could go for an entire season of Nikki and random guests dubbing pornos, but the entire enterprise had a sense of 'yeah,

Esp with Goldbergs laying down a primo Gimball's too much tuna bit.

It just struck me with this episode how many facial expressions and mannerisms Huskey's Richard, and Late Show Host Stephen Colbert, share.

Fist meat goes straight to hips.

Re: Joe Walsh - maybe, and I'm not sure the time frame, if a teenager grew up in a home that showed off their surround sound with their 'Hell Freezes Over' DVD. . .