
That's probably my second biggest recommendation. The other is Milton's Craft Baker's MultiGrain bread. Mayo releases the oil to fry the bread more than just brown it, and Milton's is full of seeds and grains and when grilled actually produces an audible crunch when you bite into it. Very nutty flavor to go with

Maybe it's my hetero bias, but there is no man on earth 'too pretty' for Jenny.

Maybe I'll walk into the ocean like momma tried when Obama won. . . .

At first the screen was facing Tamra, so Mindy couldn't see Leland Breakfast talk. Then Tamra just picked the screen and TURNED AROUND to face Mindy!!

Not sure listing everything the media has said against one candidate verbatim is the most persuasive way to rebutting charges of media bias.

He has a beard

Oh, well there's THAT mystery solved. . . ;)

They were fairly on point about the obscurity in the show though, I wouldn't have gotten it without Bryan Cranston's movie last year.

Thank you! I couldn't tell if they were trying for a different pop culture reference, some kind of buck toothed nerdy Michael Jackson fan or something. But I kept coming back to how much he looks like Beet.

Few things are more effective than delaying the impact of heat by cutting each extra bit of Habanero or Bhut Jalokia with a compensating spoonful of brown sugar. If you can get ahold of pineapple concentrate, even better.

Hallelujah, and holy shit! Where's the Tylenol.

I miss Kid Notorious

Better for her. But then, that's all that matters anymore.

Why bother? Just corner the AG somewhere and give the Clinton stare.


What is it you sense I don't understand?
Negative interactions are subjective, but negative NON-interactions are hyper-subjective.
I'm not rejecting all accounts out of hand, but literally ANYONE can relate an anecdote of a situation where others are just going about their business and we personally felt alienated.

Awful early in his career to be actively seeking to alienate fans.
Doesn't sound like he's all that concerned about the intelligence of a reliable audience of people shelling out to here heavy-lidded pot and masturbation jokes.

The difficulty lies in the commingling of legitimate 'dystopia' and hypersensitivity turned into online screeds.
For every horrible instance of bigotry, there's a dozen thinkpieces of 'I went into this place and could sense the icy stares and could feel the animus permeating every pore.'
The latter might well be

That being said, in her first, country-themed number, did anyone else get visions of that time Jenna Moroney “went country?”

'Where's the safety dance clip'
It's like where's waldo meets rickroll