
Yeah, idiot. That's why my initial reply was to criticize Cutco's entire marketing plan.

Wasn't the 'poorly drawn Pat' on the jeans 'dickbutt?'

That said, it's unfair to characterize Cutco as a 'scam.'
First off, even though I didn't do all that well. I sold enough in a summer of 40-50 presentations to cover about $15 an hour for my time, and a childhood friend worked the same office and sold around $50K worth of the stuff that same summer, almost all of it

Selling Cutco was one of my first lessons in 'what they're expressly telling you isn't EXACTLY what they're telling you.'

"The smoke alarm scene is so relatable"

You're right and I was even thinking of the right movie as I posted. Too little, too much, wasn't there. . . . shot liberty valance. . . . There's too many of those [Man Who] titles for me to keep my brain and fingers coordinated.

In the camera work, you could see the mechanism for the latch even though the handle fell off. A Phil with half the presence of mind to write out his will could grab a pair of pliers and pull it back and open the door.


Somewhere buried deep is the irony that Manuel apparently does all this frantic biking every day of his life and is still the flabbiest individual in the area.

I spoke to Diego today. . .
You went to a seance??

More than Tropic Thunder, this reminds me of a martial arts updating of Bill Murray's 'The Man Who Knew Too Little'

I hate to say it, but KCW looks to have the hallmarks of a show that can last.
It's not highbrow, but I laughed at the second episode at least as much as at the recent Big Bang Theory episodes, which is my personal measuring stick. Pretty much worked to gauge most Lorre projects, Raymond, KoQ, etc.
It had some decent

Not so much written for commercials, but I call it the Grey's Anatomization of pop. Started somewhere around The Fray with 'How to Save a Life.' - Get it because they're doctors.

"Aukerman also says he “can’t imagine a universe” where the Trump campaign “would ever even reach out, or that it would be a good video even if it was something we wanted to do,” thus reiterating what we all know to be true: That liberals are far funnier than conservatives."

It's the weirdest niche, unable to be intrinsically funny, but a modicum of ability to needle other funny people.
Closest analog I can think of is that dude that fact checks Around the Horn.

I mean, that guy was a real jerk

And uncle Terry felt pride where shame once was. . .

Might you spare any of the CUH-cane.

It's a reference to the movie Inside Out. Won't say more to spoil the plot. Watch the movie, or alternatively you now have enough google terms to figure it out beforehand if you wish.

Chipotle was never all that hot a pepper. More of an attractive name for a flavorful pepper.
Ghost pepper and Scorpion pepper both blow Habanero out of the water though. My family lives near a spice emporium that makes a Scorpion pepper sea salt that greatly reduces my sodium consumption, a small dash on a big bowl