
Poor Bing Bong

For the longest, pork rinds were the dregs of snack for for me, then I sampled some from a local vendor who used legitimately hot spices. I'm talking habanero powder back when habanero was new on the spice scene and it made all the difference.
It still comes down to the right spices being crucial to whether I enjoy

Max Casella has a real Bruno Kirby thing going on. Would love to see him shout 'baby fish mouth'

Mullholland Drive was my immediate mental association to that drug meet drive, as was the meet itself eventually.

I am frankly both bemused and amazed that Donglover managed to tackle such a cliched sitcom trope so blatantly, yet pull off fresh and immediate pathos from it.
Objectively, the 'suitor plans grand gesture and gets in over head due to oblivious partner making the gesture even more grand' sketch belongs somewhere in the

"It’s the kind of thing that, by itself, is not too different from any other fried food—harder outside, juicy inside, and largely meant to function as a ladle for your condiment of choice."

"Leary got two does of really bad news this year"

"If a scientist offered to extract a tiny piece of flesh from your body, would you be interested in tasting it?"

I miss televisionwithoutpity

If we can discuss the second episode, anyone have insight on the batman mask scene? Best I can tell, if was a surreal scene to establish how baked Darius and Paper-boi were, but it was one of the few moments where I felt like I was missing something.

I don't think the comparison is fair. MoN is telling the semi-autobiographical story of a 'semi' successful minority actor. Altanta seems to be telling a more universal story of just a guy trying to get ahead.
MoN appears more 'twee' and Altanta more gritty because the characters are inherently more twee [NY actor

I think the subtext is he was 'squirreling it away' for a life emergency. That it didn't come up in the rent discussions, but he dug it out of what looked to be some prized kicks he was keeping tight, was supposed to speak to how big a deal he felt this bit of entrepreneurial initiative was.
And not being braggy or

You're absolutely right. I was listening to Adam when I read this, and it made perfect sense that this would a mix-up Donny or Gary would have made, and I hadn't revisited it since it happened so I didn't verify. But now that you mention it, I can conjure the mental image of Marc explaining the mix-up in his podcast

The next game previewed, he predicted to be won 4-2. This can only be achieved by by the sole scoring in the game coming from a rare 3 safeties.
Basically saying it will be a slog of a game, with the only chance for scoring coming in the most demoralizing [in terms of offensive production and casual fan excitement] of


Speaking of Kevin McDonald and Podcasts, reminds me of when Adam Carolla's lackey booked a one-on-one with Kevin MacDonald fresh off Last King of Scotland, when Adam asked him to book Kevin McDonald.
Adam aired both interviews. The first was surreal, unsurprisingly. The second was apologetic.
Good times.

A gonk?

I really need to go back and rewatch Evening Shade. It sits in my mind as a great sitcom on par with NewsRadio, Coach, Wings, but I haven't watched them since they aired.

Loved how the box of lemon pepper wet had a faint McGuffin glow when Darius opened it to look inside.

What with Garry's [please, call me Mr. Marshall] inheritance and all!!