
The whole explanation of how the guy who was arrested with drinking on the stoop ended up in lock up was great. Oversharing, talking a mile a minute, mostly jibber-jabbering, yet with a clear narrative. Then the end when his partner in crime piped up to apologize. . . I had to pause the show to catch my breath

Golly, that has a lot of people I like in it.
Should've listened to mom and checked it out.

You mean a Sobel-ian?

Worse still, took a bite and threw it away.

Did you just spit on it?

Anyone know if her 'Christian' name is Millicent Roberta? Because that's even more awesome, as if possible. I picture Benedict Cumberbatch pouting with his arms crossed in a corner, scowling back over his shoulder, upon discovering. . . .

And the windows still had 'C&C Crepes' frosted on them.

Is Michael Jackson enjoying popcorn?

Hey guys, remember upworthy?

Take the plea

Spherical in parts.

Rio gas stations.

Whole lot of 'peaking' going on in this review. A subtle hint that this episode is the summit of the show?

Ooooh that smell
The smell of death surrounds you

Inextricably tied to everything, the Prius, the open road, the aging and death of family. Goes beyond the finale, though still tied there. Sets in motion an entire meditation on life and possibility.

You heard it at a very strange time. . .

I had nearly forgotten Here comes the Flood when they played it on The Americans, and it was a rush of emotion hearing it again, including shame for forgetting such a great song.

At this Moment, Billy and the Beaters - Family Ties [when Alex P. met Ellen/Michael J. met Tracy]. I missed a lot of TV growing up, parents gave away TV when I entered school, but by the time Family Ties was in full swing we had a TV back thanks to the Commodore 64. That meeting and dance was the first 'love story'

I think it was last season, perhaps the season before. . . .something to do with the railroad case, opposition settled whole damn claim with only being handed 'the brief that destroys your case' Opposing counsel didn't even glance at it.