
I like TMP, but MORE Mindy coverage? After all that was cut?
AVClub is turning into a suburban mall peopled solely by elderly walkercisers.

Saw Damian's face on the homepage, immediately clicked and scrolled for 'The Comeback' one of the best put upon spouses ever!! The episodes in the first season when Mark took painkillers and when they went to Palm Springs crack me up to this day.

What? No big sandwich?

Given to Fly in the pilot didn't hurt either. Rarely does.

Came here to discuss the ortolan. Ran into reality. :(

Are you confusing Kanye and Ray-J, or did I miss something?

Cod filets are tartar sauce conveyance vehicles
And hush puppies are malt vinegar sponges.

You've never seen a place
Like Showbiz Pizza Place!!

Sorry, should have been more clear. It's free at the moment on their streaming app/site.

It's streaming on ESPN right now

Ironically, reading this comment as I watch the OK Simpson doc on ESPN.

Excuse me?

I hated all the grandparents reading the book as a kid.
Didn't even see the movie until college.

Or where the author writes Joe Perry like 5 times in a row, then lists the password as 'yesthatmayorjoepenny'

Winston Churchill lost the presidency . . .

Jordan Morris, boy detective.


Didn't Burger Chef just fold into the Hardee's/Carl's Jr. family.

You can't write that!!

Like Albert and Victor's model.