
Maybe he was envisioning intricate hanging loops and levers.

I'm pretty sure that's 'grape my raisin,' which is a glorious visual, considering.

Mother May I Make a Big Mac Smoothie

Sadder realization;
That this was a clip show, or
That Caramele did . . . something . . . for me?

There's a history, a rich history

Was this supposed to be a plug?

Moshe would slap you silly, MISTER!!

By which of course you mean; Billy Eichner playing Billy Eichner.

maybe he'll mention it on kevinpollackchatshow

M, and in Mancy

No mention of Graceland?

I find those cocksucker, . . . who kill Septon. /Hound

The good news is Jonah is only three points behind Jon H. Ryan, whoever he is.

He had an awesome one-off as a dentist on Justified.

It's back in production evidently

It's like Bridget spent her adolescence binging on Dice making dirty limericks and Gallagher smashing watermelons and one day came to the epiphany 'hey, I've got a slimy gash that some might find similarly humorous!!'

Haunted by the background scene of a cop pooping at the crime scene, and another cop bagging it as evidence.

Speaking of Mr. Show, did everyone see Jack Black fake died again the morning?

It's been quite a while since Grey's summoned tears. I've watched and enjoyed it, but over the years I became too acquainted with the characters, the creator, the tropes, and the behind the scenes stuff to invest fully. But darned if Bailey telling Ben she had faith in him [right the middle of the Jackson/April

Is it just me, or does blonde really work for Mo Collins?
Not that she's a scorcher now, but that did a lot to erase her Mad TV character that coughed and grunted all the time.