

That's what got me on initial viewing

I don't mean to remark on my audible laughter as an indication of earlier lack of amusement or enjoyment.
I'm just not a laugh out loud guy. I enjoy comedy, I just don't vocalize it. Don't know why.
I noticed it when I was young, daydreaming about being a radio/standup type like Stern. But I realized that, although I

If this show were as popular as GoT, Pastor Tim's facial expression when Paige said Stan was FBI would be burning up the meme-iverse about now.
That may have been the first time I actually laughed audibly watching The Americans. Usually their comedic elements are more in the vein of a grin and an appreciative sigh.

Gotcha, just sharing you earnestly helpful exuberance.

A version, not that version. Alison Krauss is too young and first recorded it in 2000.

Are you 'avin' a lauhff? Isseee 'avin' ah LAAAHHFF?

Phil was a Ted Cruz man.


Is it a youtube channel?

"another shoe to drop" from the High Cobbler. ICWATUDid Teti.

Pretty sure that was renewed months ago.

Poor guy, even broke out his 'little gary' character when he got stung by a bee last week.

I guess the Church of the Holy Womb of Christ was booked.

ROFL - In Kumail's tweet replies regarding last week's chain ribbing.

Nice bit of continuity to have Erlich's hoodline on his SUV still fubared from the collision with the robot pack mule earlier this season.
Wonder if that collision factored into the vehicle not starting in BigHead's driveway.

Excellent thread header picture, the sight of those three at the gate was about as emotional a moment in the show's viewing since Oberyn faced The Mountain.

Fark me sideways!!

Drake me to the river
Put me in the water

Doesn't Dick Ebersol sound like a spray-on undercarriage freshener?