
Hillary seems like a nice old lady.

Were you under the impression I thought it had literally been 3 full years since Trump hosted SNL?
Hyperbole employed to highlight the protracted nature of Dennis' tantrum as placed in the analogy of a bitterly failed romantic relationship.

You know someone it happened to firsthand?

It felt a rewrite or two undercooked. A decent dish that needed more quality oven time.

Wehcome to de choah, esScok Aukersman

"I'm wondering how much longer are they going to keep Vanessa Bayer around."

One thing for certain, they'll never involve another politician in their shenanigans. They've been duly chastised in prominent channels!!!

Define fine, you're like the grouchy ex-girlfriend still bitching about the skank your lovey-dovey dated and broke up with 3 years ago.

This wholl situration is unbenearnst tah me.

And just when the world was ripe for a mystery solving show, what with the dismantling of The Goldberg Gang after Dad tore down the treehouse.

In NC you can. But only if it says Dick Wolf on your birth certificate.

You mean Blane's BFF Steff?

"Don't stay in here with me, I don't like you!!!'

I might be overthinking /slash giving the writing too much credit, but it seemed that they purposefully left that aspect nonsensical to further lampoon the dramatic effect of introducing twins at the last moment trumping the persuasive effect of solid legal reasoning.

This is my life right now. /Valanced

Not a fork, not a spoon. Something else entirely. A Pfoon. What will you think of next, Ted Cruz?

Well sure, . . two Corinthians at least.

ScoresMan, got a tattoo!!

Is that Harrison Ford outside The Capri?