
Not as much as genital mutilation

This is by far the biggest gut-punch yet. Saw a tweet that said 'GRR Martin is the author of 2016' Loved his music as long as I've loved any music at all.

I think you would be surprised how much of that 'not being aroused whenever' is active [even if subconscious] suppression, as opposed to a natural reaction.

Forget Paris

It's actually a beautiful ceremony.

Side of chutney. . . . [pause button], breathe, breathe, breathe, . . . please breathe!!!

Poor Rainbow.

you forget an 'e.'

It looks like at least Bucky Larson gets run over.

Thanks, now I have the Bunny and Kitty song back in my head.

Admit it, it's when she lost the bangs.

First, HHM didn't erase Kim's dept, they held it. The new firm offer was to retire the debt.
Second, Howard and Chuck seemed resigned to Kim poaching Mesa from them, until Howard mentioned that Kim and Jimmy were going into business together. Chuck's tone changed instantly, and he set about steeling himself to meet

My read on it watching the show was that he didn't want Hector looming over his and his family's life. More dispassionate protectionism.
But the creators said on Talking Saul that he was 'coming from a place of rage.'
Don't know if we're supposed to know the full source of that rage [presumably direct threats to

Trenchant analysis. Do you publish a newsletter?

Oh ferfucksake.

That's the thing. There's a reason you write the rules. The assumption is that the rulemakers thought of everything, and if they haven't made a rule, it's fair game. And if it's in the rulebook, you never break it. The boundaries of those notions is what Gilligan is observing.

A bit of nonplot trivia. For how widely it is used in the vernacular, moxie actually comes from the name of the soft drink. They wanted a name that evoked courage and vigor. Now millions use that name in that manner without ever thinking of the drink itself.

Think Gilligan is pretty blatantly contrasting codes of morality.
Do you immerse yourself in a set of rules and follow them confident the rules will make you moral?
Or do you immerse yourself in doing the right thing, regardless of the rules, confident your personal compass will make you moral?
Jimmy breaks rules

Exactly the comparison that came to mind.

Well, since you haven't watched it. The scene you highlight comes in the middle of a bunch of shitty Hannah bullshit [moreso than usual]. It wasn't so much a power/predator rape as an out of nowhere unsolicated mouth application.
Hannah started out on a long vacation with her long term boyfriend in a Winnebego, but