
To be honest, the rape scene itself pales in face of the douchechills I get from her pronouncing enjoy, ennn-jwahhh.

Harry Reasoner would be a great name for a hostage negotiator.

ain't that where you play yer gee-tar.

Their new grand master plan. Start with yesterday and work backwards, . . . wait for it, . . . in real time.

Lump BeefBroth

Man, they don't have a lot of time to turn them both into lesbians and kill them off suddenly and inexplicably.

Richard Ruccalo weeps silently into his barista's apron.

That's what Shameless on Showtime is for.

After watching the season finale of Girls, I am reminded that Disneyland prohibited long haired men from premises through the late 1960s.

'The Moth' is the name of the show she was speaking at, and 'Moth 9' is a reference to the curving of attractiveness ratings based on competition and standards of the particular setting. ie, in the crowd assembled for The Moth, Hannah's relative attractiveness is 9 out of 10.

Colin should go draw customers from the closing of Horace and Pete's.

Where in the world is Shoshanna San Diego?!?!

Seeing Kudrow with her amusement park clique, I kept hearing 'I don't need to see THAT!!'

Anyone else get a Charlie's Angels vibe off the scene back in NY with Titus on Skype?

You're right. My bad. IIRC, I got mixed up with them comparing it to Twin Peaks and Lost Highway, and instead of thinking of it as an imitation David Lynch, I turned into a minor David Lynch work.

But that's the show!!

Anyone remember that mini-series Wild Palms?

And that's all it's been for you. You hate one side of the dispute, and victory over those you hate is your only aim.

Again a lie. He did not refuse to bake them a cake. He refused to create a cake for their wedding. But at this point, I can see you are determined in your narrative, and the facts have been laid out.

That doesn't mean you're entitled to the assumptions you've laid out. Particularly, as said, when the request was to CREATE a cake, and the baker offered any good or service in his repertoire except cake creation for that purpose. Your premise is that he refused to sell them a generic cake of any type soley based on