
That ladygarden was darn near board shorts by the end of the sketch.

Hey ngover, man.

Funny, I was picturing his Yaron character from WHAS:FDoC wowing the Netflix execs at a pitch meeting. Jugglestix were involved.

What the hell is ocean meat?

Is Sy 'avin' ah lahfff?

Bo Danville

'This is where tampons go'

Almost as funny as insisting on calling Bobby Jindal 'Piyush' and Nikki Haley 'Nimrata Randhawa.' You know, because their actual supporters are the real racists, they just don't realize it until they hear birth names.


Depends if you consider Taco canon.

Easy, like cake!!
It is a piece of pie.

FTR - The Royals shirt Kim wears definitely says 'Kansas City'

If he pleads the 5th in the murder of Nicole/Ron prosecution [not calling it the OJ case], his remarks to the screenwriter remain prejudicial and inadmissible. If he denies under oath the question Cochran posed, those remarks become admissions against interest.

No he didn't. He either;
a) stole just the cigarettes, then pocketed the $8 the grifter paid him for them, or
b) sold the cigarettes, then pocketed the $8 from the till.

Particular since Hank explicitly said Hector was a badass until he had a stroke in the joint.

I could watch Gina drunk dance on a loop for a fortnight at least.

It is not 'fact' that the effect of Trump is anger and violence towards people of color.
There is anger and violence between confrontational partisan groups at political rallies.
There is talk of fear of anger and violence from those who claim to fear it.
Those are different than the 'fact' of the effect of anger and

So is 'brown people will die' the new 'they want your grandma to eat dog food?'

Have you seen her feet?

Ilana swears they're good for company morale!!