
This was a lesser sin, IMO. The point wasn't that Jimmy's dad was a mechanic wunderkind. All the mistakes could be attributed to his dad's naivete and eagerness to help.

"By the way, if you’ve ever wondered how the dancing fan-driven tube guy got started"

What are you talking about?!?!

Even back in the appropriate time period, it was pretty far from any ethical, and certainly legal, concerns. Legality isn't much of a concern really, unless an ad is fraudulent.
The bigger concern from an institutional perpective is running afoul of bar ethics rules, which could end in censure or disbarment. But

Erhmagerd, Jimmy chiding Clifford about toilet water conservation [given Begley's profile] was a gut buster!!

Which is ironic, because last season started with Tywin melting down Ned's Valyrian broadsword to make smaller [apparently die cast] swords for Jaime and Joffrey. Kind of ruins the very idea of Damascus tempering.

Saw more of Pete Koch in that movie that I ever saw of him on the field for the Chiefs. Grrrrr.

I posted this on last week's review, but it might get more eyes here, and since this was a Marnie-centric episode.
Jamie Lee Curtis had a great interview on Kevin Pollack Chat Show, and watching it in short order with the past couple episodes of Girls somehow kind of humanized Marnie further for me.
JLC doesn't play the

Yeah, sorry about the grammatical ambiguity. They're still the Royals' affiliate, they just changed their name. I meant to post that distinction for people who might google 'Omaha Royals' and wonder why it wasn't a fruitful search, not to suggest they'd cut ties with KC since the time BCS is set in.

Gotta keep the duckets coming into the Peet-Benoif household somehow.

His character here was decidedly un-Toby-ish. So much of Toby is in the sighs and eyerolls making it easy to overlook Paul's actual features.
I recognized him before he spoke, but his mannerisms had me squinting at the screen to make sure anyway.

I sensed Adam was talking straight from his refractory period in that exchange.

For an, IMO, excellent 'from far left field' perspective on Marnie, I'd highly recommend the recent interview of Jamie Lee Curtis on Kevin Pollack Chat Show. It was unexpected, but JLC gets a bit real and touching about her self esteem in the business of Hollywood. The gal is whip smart, beautiful, and funny, but

Aidy's dialog was great, but the 'Japanese experience' Shosh gave her was cringe inducing.
Oooh, fish pedicures and umami, how otherworldly!!! Is this Earth?

Every time I see this doomsday prepper issue brought up in a drama, I can't help wondering how many 100s of 1000s are living this opulent underground lifestyle in the world of The Walking Dead.

His sideburns have gone full earmuff.

I give Gilligan a crew enough plotmaking credit to allow the possibility that all the 'great melodramatic falls' we're expecting to 'drive Jimmy over the edge to Sual' will turn out much more mundane, while still driving Jimmy to distraction.
For instance, Kim could simply sour on the practice of law and move away with

Actually, the Omaha Storm Chasers used to be the Omaha Royals, a KC Royal farm team {AAA Affiliate].

You should smile more. You're pretty when you smile.

I'm having trouble telling if the bar arguments are supposed to be in the voice of drunken half-wits in a bar all day, or actual street wisdom. Sylvia's rant about 'why should we give [Hogan] all this money? He's an asshole' was borderline imbecilic, and I can't tell if it was Sylvia the character written dumb and