
That overhead camera zoom as Meredith took in the Doctor Major's gentlemanliness, coupled with Mer's beatific expression was positively cinematic.

I can't shake the sense that Josh McDermott is doing an ersatz Ignatius Riley as Eugene on The Walking Dead.

Has anyone done an article on the orgin and evolutionof those videos pretending to be how-tos, that end up with a pair of hands smashing anything and everything in sight, usually ending up throwing the macerated mess into a corner of the kitchen floor and stomping on it.
Mildly amusing for a hot second, and dogged out


Whatever my struggles may be, pretty sure my struggles, if any, to find the meaning underlying sitcoms I watch aren't appreciable.

Love the 'Fuck Kanye' Bonnaroo graffiti @ 2:03

agh!! Beat me to the abobo reference. Should've scrolled, always should've scrolled.

Don't think they could pull of 'You're the Worst' style abobo and Marie Callender's talk?

They worship powerful women. For good or ill, it's a legit character trait. Unless you think Abbi's Oprah tramp stamp and mural over her bed is 'mocking' as well.

Ummm, you seem to have donned your transparent pants today.

Asking a stinking, dirty male.
What do folks think of a progressive character making such a plot point of their, . . . nether response, to the idea of a political candidate?

We Offfermans have eradicated the male G-spot with a vigorous regimen of ranch work and posture.

My favorite part was Trey sitting on the 'ergonomic/posture' chair at his party.

Depends if the role on the new show comes with a holding deal.

Thank goodness for the show's ambiguous timeline. I shudder a bit to think Adam was feathering his hair during the time Rob was bedding a minor on videotape.

Episode 2 - [upon taking the 'Meow-meow'] 'You only YOLO once.'

climbing the robe? What verkakte gym class did Louie take?

Kevin Pollack, . . . because that's a name.

Yeah, I chuckled at that. Banks groused that Gilligan wasn't happy with the take they got in the nice warm afternoon, so he Banks to go out to the location by himself [with camera crew] the next morning to get a better reaction shot.

The Offspring
PJ Harvey
Mazzy Star