
It's hard to remember back over the evolution of Target, but best I can recall Target was stylistically more of a holdover from Woolco/Woolworth days. It wasn't consciously trying to be upscale from anything, like it's trying to upscale WalMart these days, but it wasn't trying to be the cheapest around either.

Sometimes I hate knowing so much about actors' career prospects like we do with today's social media.
Enjoying Nasim on this show, yet can't fully enjoy it waiting for that god awful 'teen Muslim boy sitcom' she's supposedly starring in soon.
They already wasted her on Mulaney. She has a great character here. Now we

Is this because we made out?

Put the [insert silly object] down Declan!! Declan!! If you don't put the [insert silly object] down, we're not going to go to [insert silly entertainment destination]!!

I see that, but for as bad as that is, it is one executive acting imprudently out of sight of the jury. The Gawker defendants were there Shkreli-ing it up right in front of them.

On the same night Josh McDermott's Eugene had a eerily similar career high over on The Walking Dead.

Tin dome Viserys

And the inspiration for Butthead's infamous exclamation 'give me teepee for my bunghole!!'

No, it offends me as a chemistry teacher!!

Is sewing for damages anything like bowling for dollars?

1. You can't 'hold out' further than a jury award.
2. Erin, for all the indignities incurred, didn't have indignity of West End Hotel Partners being as prickish and defiant a defendant as Gawker Media.

So long as it's not squat cobbled.

I, . . . I . . . I. . . said biiiiiiitttttccchhhhh. . . .

Apology accepted.

'Lazy' is a criticism.
'Lazy, in a harmful way' is a judgment not only on the show, but anyone who might disagree with your opinion.

The joke is that Phil is trying to do his job professionally, but his past romantic preferences might make the present realtor/client relationship look suspicious to his wife, so he starts with a blurted lie that snowballs to keep up appearances.

'Dumb, easy and sophomoric humor' is one level of criticism. Racist, and truly painful' is another level altogether.
And to post that you aren't trying to censor the character from existence on the airwaves, you just want to bellyache how it wounds your culture is just plain passive-aggressive dickishness.

Post-coital social justice lectures get me so hot!!

Callie Thorne is looking gaunt!! Like, scared for her health, gaunt.