
Father Curtis: And this offends you as a Jewish person?

Michael Emerson is clearly going to ease back into his La-Z-Boy and enjoy all those sweet 'Crowded' residuals coming down the pike in a couple years.

Jordan Morris, boy detective!!

Yeah, my question right now is whether the juxtaposition of Jimmy's 'sleazy slide' into solicitation and Kim's 'triumphant redemption' through solicitation is purposeful or happenstance.

I mentioned it in the ep review, but I don't know which one the affable assailants pay more attention to.

The eternal mystery, was Dean Sr. negligible?

Heynong man.

I'll let Ms. Burnett Carolsplain it

Heynong Sloopy

I wonder if the writers intend to hit the distinctions between Jimmy's 'appalling' solicitation efforts, and Kim's noble 'noble' go-getter telephonic networking efforts. Heck for that matter, Howard's 'back nine fairway' handshake miracles Chuck alluded to is different in target, but not in quality.

And now we know why Katie Aselton started out brunette. She's stunning as a blonde, but also virtually indistinguishable from Gwyneth Paltrow. Not the worst fate in the world, but not the best for finding national acting work.

Twatty twittle twitle means, to your right a little!!

The Chain - good choice as well. That was just beautifully choreographed and set up in the narrative. Song choice was perfect, but at that point it was Deion Sanders high-stepping the last few yards into the endzone, the cherry on top of a perfect narrative climax.

W. Don't be silly.

Would not be surprised in the least if it eventually comes to light, almost certainly it will never be resolved, that Jimmy actually DIDN'T have anything to do with the missing $14K. It was lost over years, by a bad businessman. Chuck came back and looked over old records [and who knows how well they were kept] and

I guess I watched way too much Whitney and Franklin & Bash.

The widow Howlapp is doubly distracting. She and Howie joke about those puppies on Whooch, but man.

I swear I first saw this pilot sometime in the Bush administration

Re: the header pic;

"the fourth season features some of its best setpieces to date"