
'Wheezies' just don't sound menacing, unless you're George and you forgot to take out the trash.

Damn you, damn you, DAMN YOU!! That song will be going through my head for a week again, now.

The jump to bad guy is when you kill those who actually want to co-operate. Until that point, it's Darwinism.

Lola phumphering around the garage set trying to recede back into the shadows is the REAL adorkable.

Ms. Thayer's laugh is a gottdammed national treasure.

Steamed or boiled, depending on if my steamer or rice cooker is clean and handy ATM. As a plus, steamed buns are as big a part of the repast as the preparation of the dog itself.

Vienna Beef. Accept no substitutes.

(He only leaves her side to go smoke a cigarette and call Martha to bring pictures and clothes from her house.)

You know what would have been bold? Make Leslie's character mute and shy around men, unless she gets DRUNK!!

I was speaking to the notion that he was somehow scarred by Vietnam or something, rendering him reluctant to kill.
His motivation more about making is the smart play than any lingering fears or regrets.

1. Taking offense is a Gott Damned Constitutional Right, mister Guy Mann!!

All deep in this

Even that was in keeping with a 'thoughtless random,' just one who wasn't going to take shit after being reasonable about insurance and/or repayment.

Disagree a bit with John that Chuck is sympathetic TO THE POINT that Chuck is trying to get Jimmy to 'grow up' and own his responsibilities.

OK, I waited until Gus and John had a chance to weigh in, but they glossed right past it and I haven't seen anyone else comment.
I thought another brick in the foundation of Mike as the guy a step ahead was the placement of his home couch at a diagonal in the corner past the windows. This tied into Tuco giving the

Satcha Bairn Colin /G.t. Conqueror.

On the show van Houten did nothing for me. Cold, dark and stern is not a turn on. But her interview on Seth Meyers Late Night show was delightful. Bubbly and giggly with just a hint of hesitation in her English. Just being herself elevates her into one of the more attractive people out there.

In Breaking Bad, Hank introduced Tuco to the drug intervention squad as a banger who elminated 'Dawg' from the biker gang when said biker gang was encroaching on his turf.

Try making Better Call Saul [Tuco episodes] and Major Crimes a double feature Monday nights.

It was subtle, but I think Nacho hefted the bag into Tuco's eyeline to suggest to Tuco that at least one of them should beat feet with the day's haul. ie, Nacho used his body language to get Tuco to excuse him from the scene with the loot.