
And they had how many seasons of Hung even?

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Roy Wood Jr. is starting to make me laugh more than any of them.

Tell deh TROOF!!! /willsmith

Of course they're two separate ideas, and I only ever had any issue with those white knighting her deletion actions.

I'm not 'mad' at Hannah in the least. These kinds of foibles are the draw of the show.
My only critique is and has been from the start with the ones here saying she was justified in her actions [or they weren't a big deal], which like it or not you tacked your input onto.
At this point, if your only position is she has

Then leave.
I get that your point is now apparently 'Hannah is justified in being upset' even if you're tacking onto Sinjun's 'Hannah's justified in her deletion of private property' thread [and you yourself said it 'wasn't a big deal], but I'm not arguing that.

The narrative is clearly on the 'Girls-world' assumption that deleting the pictures gets rid of them from Fran's reach for good. Whether Hannah naively believes that, or the writers are glossing over it, the narrative is not 'that will show him. If he wants these pictures on his phone, he'll have to resynch to his

This thread is a straight line from Sinjun expressly saying "Hannah is definitely right" to delete the photos, to me replying if it was that big a deal she should discuss it with him, to you interjecting that she had discussed it with him. So yeah, you're taking up Sinjun's retarded mantle that Hannah was in the

What is your major malfunction?

Thanks for the input dickbag. Keep it coming scrote.

Then leave, dickbag.

Thanks for the input dickbag

Implied in 'bring it up' is 'resolve the matter in the open.'

When the SNL reviews have been turned into 'The Dennis Perkins Trump Therapy Repository' since Donald was a guest host? Sure.

Hey, nobody's perfect.

I have no problem with the storytelling, it's why I've watched since the start. It was the excuse making going on here for the 'inexcusable' act that I was replying to.

I'm throwing around theft because it was his and she took it. If she wanted a different relationship of assets, she should have asserted herself.
I agree that the entire situation is not optimal all around. But that's different from saying her actions are understandable or excusable.
Either the pictures are a

You should try out for the Olympics, the gymnastics you're attempting to justify Hannah's atrocious behavior.

It's HIS STUFF. 'Nobody's perfect' doesn't excuse theft, particularly theft of things that can't be replaced.