
There's a distinction between being sympathetic at a distance towards her domineering and insecurity, and her behavior still being a red flag for a suitor.
I don't think you'd be as sympathetic if there was a scene of Fran burning some of Hannah's old diaries, or a piece of art Adam made her.

Maybe she could dig a pit in her basement for him to reside in.

So? Theft helps the situation how?

Then dump him, or make your case.

I'm not the spank bank type, but this goes to a broader notion of what significant others are entitled to erase unilaterally from our memories or emotions without notice or consent.
Like I said, if it's that big a deal, hash it out and let me decide if you're a psycho or this is just a quirk I'm willing to accommodate.

Then bring it up and hash it out. Hannah's unilateral action is controlling and domineering.
To be honest, the insecurity and insistence in a partner would be a bigger turnoff than any hypothetical loss of spank material.

The pictures are his, whatever his purpose for them. If their existence is that big a deal, bring it up with him and let the two of you decide if the relationship is preferable to keeping them, or if their existence actually is irrelevant to the relationship.
Deleting them is a red flag set in granite bolted to

'Elsbeth' has a sitcom coming out. Weird, because I somehow saw a clip of the pilot, it has to be over a year ago, maybe 18 months. Then on the NBC tribute to James L. Brooks last week, her husband on the show, Patrick Warburton promoted it premiering this spring.

An opening with Carol, cooking, killing and showering?

Tell the truth, if you've ejaculated once, don't you kind of want to do so again?

Jilliant? Is that related to Elementary's Manhattant?

Shit! Been out and about all day. Anyone know deets on if/where this will be reposed for later listening?

I'm so sorry, I have to take this. . .

I've never quite understood the Lily hate. She gets good lines and conveys her exasperation with Cam and Mitch humorously enough for me. I wouldn't go casting her in projects with Daniel Day-Lewis, but she fills out the role the show has for her fine enough.
But I do find it odd that she now apparently has braces IRL

"I’ll always take Ty Burrell doing physical comedy. His mimicking of Claire’s routine, including fake frosting of cupcakes, was pretty hilarious."

That's how I was with the Chalupa Baja. Only I got the craving rarely enough that I'd forget which was which and order a Gordita Baja instead. That, coupled with Taco Bell''s new policy of making everything on Chalupa's extra [75 cents for a squirt of Baja sauce? That's more than the original Chapula COST!!] weaned

In reference to the discussion had here, my use of equality is a refutation of Decal's stance that powerful people's remarks deserve more criticism than powerless people's, particularly when applied to a demographic as broad and anonymous as debate between individuals of different genders on the internet.
My use of

It's interesting how the people who treat others like shit are the enlightened ones to be tiptoed around, and those who favor equality and rationality are supposedly the 'hostile' bigots who should move on and 'enjoy their power' elsewhere.

What is the proper tone with which to respond to unmerited charges of misogyny, sexism, MRAism, and homosexual favor swapping on an entertainment comment board?

I see now below that you hadn't seen the initial attack on me when you criticized my insistence up here.
Hope now you have a stronger perspective on why I pushed for correction of the narrative as I have.