
Again, I didn't say it followed the letter of the law. But condensing discovery into a 'last minute miracle' or shorthanding extended negotiations into a few conversations, or even the meeting of eyes across the room, is an unavoidable byproduct of hourly scripted network television.
Not even the wonkiest attorney

Fine then. Piss off.

Fine then, you're simply wrong.

I didn't say it got it perfect. I said truest since EADA Stone.
Much elevated from the usual mishmosh of 'I object' 'Sustained' 'I'll allow it' pablum 99.9% of legal shows offer.
Didn't say anything about the pedigree of its political maneuvering either.
But by all means, snark away.

That's one of their tactics. If the question itself isn't that hard, they phrase it so you have to parse the syntax to figure out what's even being asked.
A variant is where they seem clearly to be asking one thing, until you look closer and remember the category.
Say, the category is 'cities of the south.'
Then the

I'm Ron Burgandy?

I think the most confusing part was the wording.

Has was president at the time of designation as an historic site.

Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!?!

How do three contestants miss this? I guess Austin was at least time appropriate. I'm depressingly spotty in final Jeopardy, but when you put together a presidential library, an historic event, and a presidential signature denoting an historic place, it seems to jump out at you.

I'm not knocking either one of them. But unless you're counting cable supportiing work in Masters of Sex, or voice support in Family Guy, Janney is focused on Mom. Lahti has her recurring supporting role here, and a main role in The Blacklist, both on Network.
That's all.

Did you hear the one about the celebrity who was out in public and some yahoo asked THEM where they knew them from?

Disagree wholeheartedly. I don't watch soaps. My mom watched enough All My Children in my youth that I can still see the recycled storylines at a glance.
The towering thing that makes/made The Good Wife unique in network television is the verisimilitude of the legal work/wrangling. The further inside it you are, the

Two prime time network roles at once? Oh to sink so.

No you're a schmoopy!!

"[T]o top it off, the case in and of itself is a snoozer. It’s not really a case about people so much as a case about a lot of really technical aspects of copyright law as it pertains to music composition. "

Do these balloons blow up into funny shapes?
No, . . less'n you consider round funny.

As much as people key in on the caucus participants being nutty and Iowa a weird place to hold such sway, these kinds of narratives don't do politicians any favors either positing that all their barnstorming and loose meat eating, etc., is a tedious chore to tick off in a day to 'connect' with voters.

On that note, I hope I never have to hear “loose-meat sandwich” ever again.
I would skip binge watching Roseanne.