
Crowded? Oh that's what happened to that.

Ahhh ooomph, . . . aaaah oomph
Yuggita yuggita AAAAAHHHH!!


I laughed WAY TOO HARD at such an obvious woman driver sight gag.

I find myself repeatedly shocked at how facilely BotS elicits a 'pause button' belly laugh every week. It's a limited format, but Eichner mines it fiendishly.

Exactly my top three, and that's no short shrift of others in the top 10. Those were the ones that managed to pull off season long arcs without feeling episodic. More like chapters in a taut novel.

Q: Is there too such a thing as too much Fargo analysis?

Kind of puts the Trump candidacy in perspective. . .

Was that even a show?

I don't understand, AVClub. This entire article seems to have nothing to do with Transparent.

Diaz running into the ocean in her bikini not once but twice?
It's a Christmas miracle.

Was? . . . someone was killed? In the hotel?
With Corey's grandparents put at ease . . .

Matt Ho: Snozzcoffee tastes like Snozzcoffee

220, 221. Whatever it takes.

Yeah, I was 5yo, and my parents had replaced TV with weekend trips to the movies in prep for me entering school, and I got to see it the first day it came out on one of the screens in the metro area.

Ironic that it was just earlier today that I got around to listening to TAL episode "did it my way.' Apparently, Ira Glass HATES that song.


I too like cold beverages, uh huh.

Another Tinder rando?
Nope, the baby in my pussy