
Wasn't that the massacre of the natives in the Ronald Reagan movie?

I'm conflicted, there are a lot of commendable 'touches' in this sketch, without a coherent narrative. It's weird when all the tiniest things make me chuckle, but the big picture leaves me flat.

ERs use a medical grade 'Krazy Glue' with antibiotic properties called Dermabond to seal wounds in place of stitches if feasible.

Now McManus Dadbod

" bizarre and loopy and easily preventably?"

What cracked me up most was Aidy cracking up audibly off camera a couple beats before the corpsing began in earnest.
It REALLY started with AIdy blinking and trying not to smile while Kate gave the 'full Porky Piggin' it' line, then when they cut to Gosling, you can see in his eyes that Aidy's losing it big time even

Coot coot and Prune Shoot, a buddy cop show premiering next fall.

Weirdly off-putting that Alex is 12/-3/4 through her freshman year at college, as a genius, and just now learning the calculations for free falling acceleration.

AK-47, gone not forgotten.

A least give the guy a sliver of liver.

Just to make sure we're on the same page. His mom didn't think Billy Jack was propaganda, but that it revealed real life.
She is convinced the world was filled with peaceful drifters who were forced into violent confrontations by bigoted locals.
Not to drift too far off point, the Hanzee/local scene was a tad Billy

Not so much a 'rant' as an extended bit about how the movie Billy Jack formed his mother's entire 'stick it to the man' hippy-dippy worldview. He has a similar bit about the series Kung Fu.

Throughout the scene with Hanzee against the Townies, I kept thinking 'I hope Adam Carolla doesn't watch this show or his next podcast will be another Billy Jack rant.'

It's a rip roaring read, though.

'The police,' to the extent any large group speaks with a unified voice, say nothing of the sort.

"top-tier announcing pair, CBS’ Ian Eagle and Dan Fouts"
Those words do not belong in consecutive order

No but I remember the Mean Joe Green Coca Cola commercial parody, where an Asian kid gives a Sumo wrestler a soda after the match. Instead of getting a game jersey tossed to him, he got, well, you know.

"I thought the songs were just a jab at the trope that some people do where they add moody songs in their fanfiction for dramatic effect/make playlists for pairings/just a stupid tropey romance thing where they start playing a song over scenes of characters crying themselves to sleep or looking depressed to make it

Perhaps a problem of tense.