
"There are many things I love about Cupid Me, but his most amusing trait "

It doesn't mean anything specifically except you don't qualify for indigent assistance and haven't secured your own counsel.

Disagree completely.

'Despite knowing'

Are her two friends regulars? If so, count me in.

The supermarket mogul does find the money that Carl had previously buried, so it's a SUBSEQUENT story in the same timeline.

If you're so passionate about the Coen's original vision, you might want to spell their name right.

There were a couple moments I thought his face was going to pop like a balloon.

I've gone back and forth all year between this and Better Call Saul. For all the great TB out there, these two still manage to be a cut above.

Leaving this here, Coen shout out

Howly shientiff, . . annnn Goddif shientiff.

Some historians in the comments last week were lamenting that hearing drunk people mess up history just isn't entertainment or something like that. And I pointed out that that re-enactments are what sell this show.

Also tricky is eradicating the threat quietly. The heat, light and smoke of 20K bodies on fire is an attention grabber even if you get them alight.

You're a fucking psychopath. You get that this is fiction? That means it didn't actually happen.
Fuck you, calling me a bully. All you've done is spout off like a spunky drunk ready to brawl at anyone who disagrees with your Ravine Manfesto.

Get a gott damm hobby. Jesus. Yes, I watched the show. I also used a shorthand to describe the situation instead of drafting an elaborate schematic with loading a shear calculations for all structures.

You want a toe?
I can get you a toe dude.
Believe me. There are ways dude. You don't wanna hear about it, but there are ways.

Hey, crumbling ravine filled with thousands of walkers a couple blocks from your homestead. Sounds like an optimal long term solution!!

Here are the variables.

I think I gave you more detail that you're going to find elsewhere already. But by all means, good luck with your zombie particle fanfic.

Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, perhaps things would have progressed more productively if you'd started with 'but what if xxx' instead of the more cocksure 'nope! won't work. Zombie rules say xxx'