
I was being slightly tongue in cheek. I have a 2nd Gen Touch that the world constantly reminds me is out of date, even though it still does what I originally bought it to do perfectly [knock wood].

They still sell Ipods?

Would they have the balls to tackle something like Stevie or Capturing the Friedmans?

I'm morbidly curious how they'll approach the Michael Moore style.

In the case of Review, you meant 'latest' not last, right? There's one more coming next week.

Not to denigrate DN! But I think Another Period wears that crown. Then there's Better Call Saul. . . man, there's a lot of good TV.

"“Whites and blacks have been known to carry narcotics at the exact same rate,” says retired Baltimore police sergeant Michael Wood."

Well, yeah. It's Hollywood, Merca. Somehow old white dude always wins.
Them's the rules. /shrug

They probably bought the back catalog syndication and are now caught up. According to my Itunes, there have been 71 episodes of TTF over the past 6 years, some periods more frequent than others.

Replace it with 'buddy?'

By 'this' you mean the entire show? Pretty sure Anthony got a best lead actor nod.

A whole segment on analogizing Trump to the NFL world, and not so much as an allusion to this?

Miss? Is it gone? It's always been intermittent, and the most recent episode was a little over a month ago. That's on par, as it average 6 or so episodes a year.
Have you heard something?

It's such a mystery to navigate. Obviously I don't navigate the same waters as our Hollywood betters, but it seems for every eye rolling 'SJW' remark they make, they'll make these ostensibly genuine statements that "I went a whole day without someone yelling 'nice tits sugarbush' and it was amazing" that make you

Mangione is a treasure, no matter how much he irritates Hank Hill. But then I was probably the only kid on earth who wore out 2 separate Spyro Gyra 8-tracks growing up.

She had a small arc on HIMYM, and apparently was on Drop Dead Diva [I never watched it], but her big role was on 2 1/2 Men, she started out dating Charlie, then returned to marry then divorce Alan. She wasn't a regular, but kept returning to mess with Alan, whether to interfere with his present love life or remind

She's an actress. She played the friend of Gretchen's who brought her infant to the party/get-together. First saw her playing one of Charlie's ditzyhot girlfriends on 2 1/2 men.

"Killian trying to light a banana for a cocktail may be one of the best images I’ve seen on TV this year"
I think he was trying to flame an orange peel, which is actually a cocktail thing.

I'm just the inverse. I find myself constantly re-realizing 'wait! Lauren WASN'T in Spiderman?'

Wanna feel old? Realize you just saw April Bowlby holding a kid.