
A knit tank top v-neck hoodie?

It's not in Kansas anymore!

Watching it again, I think it was the 'got my bizzuzz on' shoulder roll while drinking his bourbon just a moment before that set it all up.

So much delightful music generation. And those cookies!! Heaven.

I love K&P's Biiiitch sketch, but that word belongs forever to Angie Tempura

For an outright burst out laugh, Ray Parker Jr. singing the plot of Apt Pupil might have been as delightful as K&P has ever been.

Personality? Boning? What is this witchcraft?!?!

Nice to hear Lindsay is working on her doctorate in Vocal Fry.

"How many times can “someone’s surprised that Andre is boning out of his league” be used as a plot device before it renders itself obsolete?"

Wow, someone has never seen Colbert before last night.
Sounds like someone who just has sours grapes that Colbert didn't punch Jeb in the mouth and shit on his chest.
Affable doofus is about as far from a proper description of Colbert as is possible. He's polite, his barbs may be subtle, he may seek consensus if he

I may be in a minority, but as a kid I was not all that impressed with Carson. Now, I only watched as a young kid and only when at the grandparents [parents sold the TV when I started grade school]. Looking back, and to be fair looking back AT THE HIGHLIGHTS, I see the aura of cool and the ability to have a

To be fair, Letterman's lack of emotion was his signature. That famous midwestern reserve. His two speeds were mildly tickled or mildly irritated. Sometimes it's tedious, other times it can be sublime.

If they can survive the Ben&Jerry's War. . .

The eff was up with that bird's nest on top of his head? Once you see, cannot be unseen

I too wonder how many murders Griselda might be guiltiable about.

'fun shapes' in Star Wars spaghettios? Fun Shapes? Spaghetti—-O—-s?

Uncle Stoney's first weed hit.

Not, . . mother?
No Ruprecht, eat your applesauce.

Hannibal: What did Miggs say?
Clarice" He said that . . . I can smell your [see you next Tuesday]
Archer: Phrasin . . . no, that's pretty unambiguous.

It's not one piece that stopped me in my tracks, but all the music discussion reminds me of an entire night I spent with my mouth agape. Seeing the 1989 DCI finals live.