
Don't forget the Revenge of the Nerds Vader rape.

"When Pipilok can’t properly drive a dogsled, Sebastian nails his hands and feet to it just so he can get a good take."

Wish Jack Black had taken the time to get Shane Smith's cadence down. Hands down the funniest aspect of VICE coverage.

Close your eyes, now picture Larry David as a burnt out Buzzfeed listicle crafter.

Elegant, yet intuitive!

"followed by the “dollop of cream” on his pants."

Nerd Alert

Sew sourree

I was already near hyperventilating from the first two arrows from Forrest's dad when the third took out Lucille, and nearly took me with it. Thought for a moment Forrest was going to outlive ME.
Love it when you have a general idea what is coming, yet it's still executed so sublimely that you end up swept up in the

As it if matters how a man puts on his coat

Yeah, you can't have that sketch without referencing the death of Oberyn Martell. I don't care if the episode of GoT hadn't even aired yet, whether when you filmed or when your sketch was to air.

Bill Nye? Pussy Hound? . . . This guy?

Also, can someone shut Clarence the eff up? You guys embedded the Showzen clip with Autostart.

I've listened to far more than my share of Les Mis, and still nothing approaches the first time I heard Patti Lupone 'Dream a Dream.' No one's done that song better, no one's done any of the libretto better.

Lindelof has been on my shitlist since the last season of Lost, but I have to give The Leftovers its due for an abundant amount of Stop Me in My Tracks moments.

The Modell test, how much of any given clip involves two humans talking who aren't talking about the Fiat 500X?

Re: the header photo;

Every time I read the two names together, I have a momentary brain fart trying to figure out how Jane Lynch figures into things.

Go to Getting Doug with High. Drunk Jenny ain't got shit on trippin' balls Jenny.