
And now we know the world is ready for a nerdy Jane Curtain.

Immina unnyverse, suck on this for a second

No context for me, as I listened to the audiobook during commute time.

I'd take issue with characterizing Cosmos as 'the same thing.' The strength of Bryson's work is the level of detail and historical perspective setting without being preachy or political. NDT's work is on narrower tracks, many plotted to a predetermined sermon.
However, Cosmos does have the added benefit of

Never a bad time to recommend Bill Bryson's 'A Short History of Nearly Everything'

Congrats. Rarely has my WTF-meter gone off in so many directions at once.

If you are new to Maysles documentaries, you have a feast ahead of you.

The good parts you observed are not incompatible with my observations regarding the similarities between the two shows.

Are you 'av'n a laugh, IS 'E 'AV'N A LAAHHHHHHFFFF?

No way, rarely an absurd celebrity/publicity moment goes by that I don't think 'I miss Jiminy Glick!!'

All the upvotes, with one proviso.

I think there were stronger similarities than one might think. Both boiled down to attempts to recapture a former style and era, and ended up focusing attention more on what a pale imitation they were and how tastes had changed over time, than what was actually going on.

I agree completely. I'm far from on board all of Armisen's sensibilities, but he had some of the most innovative characters on SNL [Native American Standup Billy Smith slays me to this day, . . . "you see, watakka pukahisi is a porridge made of corn mush and rabbit, . . . not very tasty,' . . . ROFL ROFL], and the

It will remind of nothing more strongly than the sitcom made in a satire of sitcoms. Think the Seinfeld show inside the Seinfeld show on Seinfeld, or the Rodney Dangerfield sitcom in Natural Born Killers, . . . or Lucky Louie.

Maybe if you watched the show. As reductive as it may appear in the article, if viewers were asked to summarize Gould's character, those 4 words would appear in 90% of responses.

Yeah, I'd say that's more apt. I was just going with the structure imposed by the article.

Wasn't last year the YEAR of 'John Belushi types?' I swear, if you put Zach Pearlman of Mulaney, John Gemberling of Marry Me, and Nate Torrence of Weird Loners in a room, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart, and I actually watched those shows.

Going down on Peepers? All of us? Speak for yourself.

Speaking of Drunk History, I don't know if I'll ever be able to see him doing comedy without the mental image of a Klansman with the hiccups. So funny, so perfect for him.

One look at Rob's backup dancers and I was like . . . . Oooooooh weee, what's up with that, I said what's up with that.