
She more recently had a fairly substantial arc on Shonda Rimes JV squad show Private Practice. First return to acting in quite a while.

I chuckle at Sorkin, but I never cry. His shows are often a glorious trainwreck, particularly since he figured that they could substitute for a therapist.

Hader and Segal were such convincing siblings in FSM that until I read this article I recalled them simply as buddies.

I'm not sure my mom has even seen the whole movie, but since it came out [and she heard me and my sister laughing about it] any time someone in the family does something to make themselves look ridiculous she pipes up with 'son, you got a panty on yer head.'

Gonna rip these walls out, and of course rewire it.
You gonna make it all 220?
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.

If while driving someone does something in another car worthy of getting flipped the bird, the entire family says nearly in unison 'hey look kids, reindeer.'

Whenever there is an embarrassing incident, that has already occurred and the damage done, I find myself cutting the tension by saying 'but it was too late, I'd already seen everything.'

Jon's a funny guy. He's good at comedy.

Dafuq is a cyclopes? Eff Merriam Webster

You talkin' 'bout Michael Motorcycle?

I cannot comprehend the fascination with this story. But then I couldn't comprehend whatever interest there was in the show in the first place.

Why do people have the notion that an electoral debate is the place for 'actual journalism?'

If Jar-Jar shows up in later episodes, I'm going ballistic.

The cynic in me says Simon elides the rationale for the decision on purpose. If the pros and cons were presented as forthrightly as the personal stories, the debate might be less one-sided. Simon prefers the story of 'government got something right, and it took courage to see it through, end of story.'

How do you know what comedy world she's in. Maybe Hamm has been singing their praises to her throughout the Mad Men run. Lord knows the rest of the MM cast likes to moonlight in the alt comedy scene.

There's the wordplay of knight's court/Night Court and Marquis of Post/Markey Post, and the appropriateness of Larroquette as a French town. Plus, it's one joke, it can simultaneously be a great joke and not carry the weight of the world.

John Larroquette and Markie Post played the public defender and prosecutor respectively on the show.

I'm the piece of sand
that's gonna irritate the clam
until I turn into a peaaaarrrrrlll

I don't know how rough it would be to binge watch it, but it's an enduring mix of tragedy and comedy. The show lives up to it's name. There's nothing the characters won't do to hoof-it, hustle, drug and drink to get through life with at least one nostril above water. They'll make you angry, make you sad, make you