
What you fail to fathom is this arbitrary fabricated factoid that makes my guy look like Zeus on a rocket fuled Segway, and makes your turdburger look like a tubbo simpleton lounging in a pool of his own leavings.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

I don't know what you think it means. I know what it means in English.

Yeah, don't know if you've been napping, but Gawker's journalistic reputation is about poop-water at present.

So do you pronounce the whole name like LOO-issi-kay?

The standard of 'realest' is subjective. But it is objectively stupid, when expressing disagreement, to target people for their respect for the Constitution and their religion.

The most irritating think about American partisanship for me personally, is the coupling of disagreement and hatred, Not only for the hatred expressed by people I agree with, or that directed at me from whom I disagree, but the assumption that I share in the sentiment.
As I mull the situation over the years, I find

In the still of the night I hear the wolf cry, honey
Sneakin' around your door!

It was years after first hearing Bonnie Tyler on the radio that I first heard Bat out of Hell. Then it was many more years after that, that I learned that they had the same composer.

Yeah, doh. That's what I meant. Don't type sleepy, dummy.

This song, and 'What's Love [Got to do With it]' rubbed me exactly the wrong way as a tween. Stunted my appreciation of Altamont era Tina for years, much the way 'I just called [to say I love you]' stunted my appreciation of earlier Stevie Wonder until RHCP covered Roller Coaster.

All you need to know

Thank goodness for Spontaneanation and it's cadre of young boys to warn us of the dangers of 'genitally' modified food.

Leave Paul Rust alone!! He's a grown-assed man.


Well it's no 'halting the rise of oceans' but it's pretty damn impressive that he accomplished it on his own through sheer force of will.
Didn't even waste an executive order.

Did the Sullivan Magic Set commercial remind anyone else of this

I with F heem in hees A, meck heem hummmmbulll!!

Hot Tub Foot.

I grew up in a time period where you heard the cheesy shit on pop radio first, then discovered the 70s big band stuff later on your own, and to this day I don't think it's fully dawned on me that they're the same band.