
Find out this morning that there is YET ANOTHER 'Revenants' to confuse with all the others, of both French and English derivation.
Leo Pussyhound's new movie about getting lost in frozen frontier America.

Tig on Bang! Bang! [the pod] this week made for one of the strongest episodes this year.

We became The Thamesmen at that point.

Well yeah, but he hasn't been inserted into this present meme, except by Harmontown fans in comment sections.

There is, and has been for some time, two semi-famous Adam Goldbergs. One an actor who's been in Friends, Saving Private Ryan, The Hebrew Hammer and Dazed and Confused, among other shows. The other the creator of 'The Goldbergs' a semi-autobiographical sitcom on CBS about growing up in the 80s with all the fads and

Adam Goldberg

Did that happen to you? I'm so sorry?!? . . . ()=+

Wow, in case you ever wondered what Curly would look like with Moe's haircut!!

Yeah, but the other one used to room with Ms. Chanandler Bong

Custard filled chocolate glaze longjohn reigns supreme, with apple fritter close behind.


Really wish Offerman hadn't dirtied himself with this. Now I have to wonder if he actively supports, or is wilfully ignorant of this ponderous, top down, bureaucratic snafu.

I thought and think Fargo was superior throughout. But it is straightforward storytelling without all the ambiguity and mysticism to ruminate over afterwards.

Came to say just this.

Well, on the bright side, you canhazpants.

It wasn't 'live action' but there were dongs aplenty in the 'Rough Rider' magazine she was browsing at the news stand.
It was just a glance. You probably just keyed into the huge cowboy hat on the centerfold.

It would interesting to somehow have an honest comparison of people who, in the their heart of hearts.

I don't know how much was 'genius,' as in carefully planned persona or material, but he had 'funny in his bones.'
Some people can just BE THERE and elicit a chuckle, tons of them go through life as your funny friend who works pizza delivery. Farley was one who made it to the top.

After the first minute, you'll be nodding along, . . . what he says at minute two will make you doff all clothing and run into the night!!

Mickey Rooney's sugar babies. . . .Wait. . .