
It's not respect for the perspective of authority. It's recognition of the reality of power.

If I had a national news show where I complained that the trash collection business was mobbed up, and my brother was Tony Soprano?

It saddens me that this affects you so strongly in the sense of fearing for your own safety [of course it does and should affect us all strongly as a tragic event].

Then it appears you have a misapprehension of the dynamics at play.
Governments don't give names to things in order to apologize for misusing the name in the past. They name things to continue to combat these new things the same way previously named things were.
I have no 'pride' stopping me from soberly knowing for a

Can someone objectively lay out the obsession with the Confederate flag at this particular instance. I understand the general animosity towards it, and have no particular affection for it myself.
But it seems in this instance, it's at worst a convenient focal point for inchoate frustration. If anything, it's

You need to lay out the productive aspects of your opinion for me then. Because it looks more like payback for past errors than a path forward.

So, more snarky than productive.

There's been mention of the South African and Rhodesian flags, but little analysis of why those emblems might be more resonant with this killer than our own domestic racial problems.
For all our own hand-wringing, the retributive actions of reclamation of those countries from colonizing factions would be very dystopian


Careful you don't get a machine head.

Create a community where a friendly smile for all is more popular than tribes and cliques, and the future appears more hopeful than baleful.

How comfortable are you then with the ramifications?
We've had a wrenching decade or so battling another 'ideology,' generating reams of think pieces about what you can and can't do to battle an ideology, and the dangers of marginalizing populations instead of focusing on individual acts.
Violent racism is much more

For the most part, the distinction between terrorism and crime is a semantic one, at least domestically.

That red Cuisinart coffee maker in the kitchen of two and a half men used to bug the heck out of me. Because he had all those top of the line small appliances, but the coffee maker didn't even have a grinder.

The beer refreshing!!

Odds on a discussion of nicotine gum?

Except you know it's not about the row. It's about the pedophile who came before [no pun intended] and the griping of scolds over the show's sense of humor.

Sheezus, the Emily hate. Could I dare to dream that she become so outcast that the only person left to comfort her is poor little me?

twat cat, twat what, or twat fought?

misspoke and misspelled.