
Clarkson made it clear it was an unprovoked attack.


Clarkson had a rough run of luck outside the show. Lost a parent, a marriage and a house in short order [to contextualize, not excuse].

Vast improvement over what, though.

Now I'm wondering what the hell a "twutt" is

More worrying than the loss of Jeremy, Richard and James, is the concomitant loss of producers. This is worse than 2 1/2 Men without Charlie Sheen, it's 2 1/2 Men without Sheen, Jon Cryer, or Chuck Lorre.

Manny Paquiano (not the Filipino legislator)

Like we're gonna see sunny days we thought would never end.

The wasn't exactly out on the audition circuit when Kids came around. Just hanging out with her friends and Larry or Harmony one saw her and asked her if she'd like to be in a movie.

IIRC, Chloe was already a bit of an 'it' girl in fashion circles and the dance club scene.

Why would you deny the world Rosario Dawson, Mr. Perkins?

Read the dang comments.

I made it abundantly clear that wasn't about any and all criticism. It was expressly directed at the sentiment that if the government isn't putting you in jail, then it isn't an issue of free speech.

Dear Lord!! Why does anyone 'have to' do anything? He found it the funniest way to express his observation of what people flipping through their contacts look like.
Feel free to not find it as funny as others might, or funny at all. Feel free be offended even, that's your right as a citizen.

The more you bloviate, the more you resemble Mr. Seinfeld's point.

Seems like I saw something responsive to your vapors, . .

1. No one punched anyone. Choosing to be hurt by innocuous comedy is just that, an individual choice. Feel free to feel that hurt, but don't go around expecting your sensitivity to automatically trump the enjoyment of the masses.

I see you have a lot more hatred for one guy than probably his best friend in the world outside maybe Richard Lewis.

What's to reply to?
I've never said that any comedian is or should be immune to criticism.
I've said that the intent of the joke teller depends on each individual teller and each individual joke he tells.
Those strawmen have been slain by establishing that the words you try to put in my mouth are not what I'm saying at

So if I understand your standards, using gay to refer to French royalty's snobbish mannerisms isn't funny anymore, but using gay to refer to a swishy pre-teen who asks for a sewing machine for his birthday is hilarious?