
The rest of the world didn't miss out on anything. Just you.

Understanding comedy is not magic. It may beyond your capabilities, but it's not magic.

'You' don't even muster a 'we,' let alone an 'everyone.'

Your inability to comprehend basis civic concepts is not my burden to bear. Were you genuinely seeking clarification, I'd be more than willing to provide it.
Instead you ignore the point in order to insert a strawman you can beat to a pulp like you've accomplished a God damned thing.

So it's impossible for me to know Jerry's intent behind his bit, even though I've seen him as a comedian and prime-time television performer for nearing a quarter century, but you speak universally for the fragility and anger of all gay people in society.

Yeah, Jerry used 'gay French royalty' out of deep seated animus, and not because it
1. Has an inherently humorous cadence, and
2. succinctly encapsulates and re-contextualizes a humorous cell phone activity.

Sure, our collective redefinition of the word 'thug' in the past two weeks suggests that would work swimmingly. ;)

You've pretty much blasted your troll qualities sufficient for all to see, but I'll close by pointing out.

To be clear, I made no critique whatsoever about people feeling someone's words are objectionable or stating as much in whatever forum they wish. My point was about the sense that people seem to be fomenting that, since they're not the government, it's perfectly virtuous to stifle whatever speech they wish to with as

Perhaps we've identified the source of your confusion. My remark, FROM THE BEGINNING wasn't about Seinfeld being criticized. It was about the sentiment that 'if the Federal government isn't putting you in jail for your words, then a matter has absolutely nothing to with free speech.'

Got a mouse in your pocket?

Pack a lunch.

Take it up with whomever is doing that, then.

My observation stands just fine. Not my fault you don't understand it.

1. First off, perhaps it would help if I clarified. Why would you ask that in response to what I POSTED? Did I somehow inadvertently type ""that idea is sexist" not a part of the free exchange of ideas" into my post and it just doesn't show up for me?

You haven't even demonstrated comprehension of the point I initially made, and purposefully avoided explanation of how you arrived at your misapprehension which is the polar opposite of what I said. Maybe when you establish that you understand first concepts we can discuss further.

Now see, the way you attempt to reframe the discussion here suggests that you are not so much oblivious to the subject as purposefully eliding it because you know overstepping when you see it.

The part where it's not criticism, but conditioned reflex.

1. No I didn't rant
2. Further, I didn't rant about mob justice
3. Seinfeld isn't 'upset over being criticized.'

Why would you ask that?