
Shocking lack of reading comprehension.


I'd be interested to review the calculations you made in coming to this conclusion.

Nobody wants to use the n-word. They just want to argue the asymmetrical restrictions on language in discussions like this one.

I find worrying this growing sentiment that, if the Federal government isn't dragging you off in chains, there is absolutely no whiff of free speech at issue.
Certainly, it started as an apt response to those who wrongly assert that 'I have a right to say whatever I want without repercussion.'
But we have a culture of

I sense he at least started out more bothered by his daughter thinking him sexist for intoning that she would be wanting to hang out with boys as she entered her teen years, than the vibe on campus. That triggered [ha] him to take more note of the dynamic, and prompted him to comment on it.

What's the difference when your audience plunks down dollars to be entertained?

Here's your renewal alert

RIP Baby Galapagos.

"Hopefully this doesn’t mean we’ve seen the last of Carla, who hasn’t gotten enough to do since her first episode."
She's off dancing at some more wedding receptions.

Something something, hoofbeats, zebras, horses.

Maybe she thought she was talking to a 12yo boy in the body of a 12yo girl.

Lucky for the interviewer. If she were her father's daughter, the interviewer's head would end up in a duffel bag.

That one got me.

Ah, had indeed forgotten that over the years. But I think the reference was

"No one would have been more disappointed than Kevin Kline."

Well thanks to them, I now know Sarah Hyland played Molly in the 1999 revival of Annie.

That Time Roth quip caught me completely off-guard. Don't know the last time I laughed so hard at a reference bit like that. Maybe because it was building momentum off the Rescue Me bit.

Welp, . . . . . . . . takes all kinds.

Since he's assembled some of the greatest soundtracks, across diverse types of films, it's a good problem to have.