
As someone who has been looking for a programming job for a few months and has been in the industry since the 90s, I’ve never seen the job landscape so dire (thanks big tech companies for laying off tens of thousands of people all once. That wasn’t going to fuck it up for the rest of us at all). I’m not sure learning

Wow. That just hit me like a punch in the throat. Devastated for the staff, their families, and these who genuinely engaged with the site over the years. I’ve been commenting for about ten years now. Jezebel has been part of my daily online life for a decade. Ugh.

50 Shades Dobbier

The reason these movies were unsuccessful had very little to do with Rowling’s beliefs and everything to do with them being muddled, confusing, poorly acted, poorly CGI’d drivel. They were bad movies with bad plots with bad acting.  

Forget JK Rowling controversies. Fantastic Beasts is just a dull, uninspired series. The movies are not interesting, the characters feel one dimensional. It’s just not that good. Feels like “product” not “plot.”

There are so many better ideas that they could have done instead of anything they did do, including doing nothing.

I’d question how much impact JK’s grotesque personal views put audiences off versus the quick realisation Fantastic Beasts was dreary bullshít about magical race wars & bad Dumbledore fan-fiction. I’m not surprised the Box OFfices cratered after number 1 when people realised this series was a load of pretentious,

Said it before and I’ll say it again: all this series had to do to succeed and be loved was actually use its name, and make it Harry Potter Pokémon. A fun adventure film about saving magical animals from some Potter Cruella D’Evil. Low bar sure, but a damn sight more enticing to audiences than the muddled prequel

I reuse every pot of dead everything every year. Without fail I’ve never had any problem. I don’t even mix in fresh potting or top soil most of the time. I’ve had both live plants and bulbs grow more fuller and taller, with than without. I keep a reserve of used potted soil to refill when needed.

You have to be willing to talk to make it work. Or at least have ONE person who is willing to lay down the law. I’ve now had the same housemate for 23 years, with others coming and going (four of us in the house at one point when a friend was getting divorced) - I am NOT shy about saying I am unhappy with something.

Someone has to be in charge, and either you take on the responsibility of being that person, or you have to accept someone else’s leadership. Also, there will always be someone who can’t (or won’t) pull their own weight. Familiarity breeds contempt, too, often rapidly. As Charles Bukowski once said, “I don’t hate peop

Keep in mind that recommendations for a minimum of 3 days of water storage anticipate water for drinking and SANITATION. “Expired” water will do just fine for bathing and washing clothing not to mention other ‘sanitary’ needs. 

Glass would be an ideal storage container if it wasn’t so fragile. I live in a semi tornado prone area, and if something were to fall on my water supply and take it all out in an instant, that would be bad. Same for earthquake areas, if the water containers shift and fall, all would be lost. Smaller plastic containers

I'm no expert, but from what I have read, the off-gas from concrete could leach through the plastic containers and contaminate your water. I made a simple wood plank to place my water on instead of the bare concrete floor. 

Let me get this straight - the first suggestion to make sure there is no one in your room is to leave the door open and unattended while you walk around and look under the bed? Unbelievable. 

I understand the mentality, it is just a pretty bad tip.

It wasn’t clearly explained, for sure, but the gist is to prop the door open with a suitcase upon first entrance in case the room isn’t truly vacant. Nearly all hotel doors these days self-close, so walking in and letting it close behind you means an extra step to get out in a hurry should someone be inside.

Prop open the door with your luggage so you have an unimpeded escape route.

Sign-in to your library’s web site using your card number and look under periodicals. 

I was going to mention that running your laptop all the time won’t cost much power.. but I just did the math, and I guess having my laptop run 24/7 does add up.