Professional writer/editor here, and I also got judge, and other odd matches that didn't make much sense to me. Hrm.
Professional writer/editor here, and I also got judge, and other odd matches that didn't make much sense to me. Hrm.
THANK YOU! I watched it with my friend's daughters and thought, really?! This is what all the fuss is about? I mean, it was a pleasant movie, but I don't get why little girls are so obsessed with it.
I adopted a shy kitty who hid behind my dryer or wherever else she could get to for a loooooong time before she finally warmed up to me. I wondered at first if I had just made a huge mistake. She never, ever let me pick her up in the 5 years I had her, and she always ran and hid when I had guests, but over time she…
You are not a loser and not a bad person! If a job stresses you out enough to give you shingles, it's *so* not worth it, even if you loved it, which obviously you don't. Sending e-hugs and good wishes for another job that's a much better fit to come along soon.
Truth. I love the idea of saying "fuck it" and wearing whatever the hell I want, but it would be near impossible for me to look at myself in a bikini and be willing to go down to my neighborhood pool like that.
So happy for your daughter that she has friends who support her like that. :)
I lived in Melbourne for a few months when I was in first grade, and I got the question "what is it like in America?" a lot. Of course these were other first graders mostly, but still, how do you answer that? :)
Oooh, good question about American accents!
Another Texan here, and I have to say that I can go many months without seeing a cowboy hat. :) That's not to say they aren't worn in Texas — just not so much in the big cities. Oh, and no tumbleweeds where I live either! And I drive a car to work and don't ride a horse.
Hugs. Therapy can be frustrating because (at least for me) it's not a quick fix, and the process isn't fun. But I hope in the long run it will make things a lot better for you.
Good for you getting started! I can imagine that "whoa" feeling when you look at your paycheck and realize there's not as much wiggle room, but as long as you feel like you can still pay your bills, I'd suggest you try challenging yourself to living on less for 3 months. If after those three months you feel like…
Thanks so much for this tip. I don't have a AAA membership but do have a Discover card. This could come in handy.
I'm so sorry that happened to you and that it continues to affect you. I was molested twice as a kid (both isolated incidents), and at 43 the memories still haunt me.
Sounds like you're more hardcore than me. :) If I didn't hate shopping so much I'd probably just dry it all in the dryer. Such a pain.
Worth a try - thank you!
Yes, I wash in a washer, but the gentle & hand wash cycles (which is what I usually use for stuff that needs to be line dried) do tend to leave things pretty drippy.
What corner does it sit in? Bathroom or kitchen corner? My kitchen & bathroom are both too small for such a thing, and I figure if I put it on a carpeted area I'd have soggy mildewy carpet in a hurry ...
What I want to know is, how many people actually hang to dry all the things we're supposedly supposed to hang to dry? I get tired of moving hangers around in my bathroom so I can actually shower. I have seriously been hoping to find a condo with two bathrooms in part so I can reserve one for mostly hanging stuff dry…
Even lasting a week isn't long enough to make it worth it to me, especially if it involves doing 3 coats. The toes I can justify since I can sometimes get by waiting a month before re-doing.
LOL - eeeewwww!