
Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves? 

You’re right, coach. When I think “accountability,” I think Michigan State.

Jesus Christ. I could change about 5 words in this paragraph and it’s like the textbook example of someone defending their abusive spouse.

It’s a strong justification. As we all know, dunks are missed constantly, but layups always go in.

When your team of teenagers is physically restraining you and calming you down, it’s time to maybe re-prioritize some things.

“The driver of the SUV was a 77-year-old man who thought the vehicle was in reverse, when he hit the accelerator and was in drive instead.”

That’s the part of this whole story that still dumbfounds me... Her dad is the douche that lied to his parents about GOING TO USC and instead cashed the checks to build his brand because school was a waste of his time, so natch when it comes to his own kid, instead of letting her BUILD HER BRAND BECAUSE SCHOOL IS A

I imagine her saying “OMG mom!!!! I’m literally going to die right now over this! How could you ruin my life?!? I never even wanted to go to college!!!”

I admire your restraint by not referring to your baking as a “train wreck.” It would have caused this thread to go off the rails. At least the cakes look choo-choo-able. 

First, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I also recommend the C-3PO prostate massager. He’s fluent in over 6,000,000 forms of communication, and pleasure is definitely one of them.

A Williams-Sonoma henchman came up behind him while he was demonstrating the Drew Dance for some fans on the street and hit him with a Coravin Midnight Blue Model 2 Elite Pro wine bottle opener.


The really dumb question: Why does she even need a degree? What could it possibly do for her? Why would her parents pay 500k to get her into a good school when they could put that same money toward ... idk, launching a clothing line or acting classes or some other kind of self promotion more in line with this woman’s

One thing I’m really interested in (assuming we all last that long) is what do these “influencers” look like in 5 or 10 years? I already can’t believe that people give a shit what type of makeup Aunt Becky’s teenage daughter wears, but one she ages out of the slightly older sister demo, who is going to listen to her?

The Hallmark movie about this scandal starring Lori Loughlin is gonna slap, though.

So, since Lori Loughlin is involved, is it fair to say that this scandal is everywhere you look?

If there’s a bright side, this is the first time a Jaguar’s made a clean tackle on someone since 2017.

They are almost identical. At least, I could never really tell the difference.

That guy definitely ate his dog with Taco Bell hot sauce.